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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech RBE VIII Ti cage

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it's almost here.... Ti cage has anyone had a chance to try it out yet? are the bars any smaller and easier on the eyes to see through? i've been using a full visor/cage combo for a few years now and have gone through a few of them already. it's starting to add up... :(

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it's almost here.... Ti cage has anyone had a chance to try it out yet? are the bars any smaller and easier on the eyes to see through? i've been using a full visor/cage combo for a few years now and have gone through a few of them already. it's starting to add up... :(

But will it add up to $139.00??? Ouch... :unsure:

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it's almost here.... Ti cage  has anyone had a chance to try it out yet? are the bars any smaller and easier on the eyes to see through?  i've been using a full visor/cage combo for a few years now and have gone through a few of them already.  it's starting to add up...  :(

But will it add up to $139.00??? Ouch... :unsure:

Bet it lasts longer than a $139 OPS ;)

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The price tag is a little steep but considering that it doesn't rust, it should out last a normal cage so it might not be a bad investment.

I'll wait for some reviews but I would consider getting one so I don't have to deal with cleaning rust off of my cage anymore.

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The mask is wicked light. As crazy as the price is, I ordered some for the shop.

yeah its pretty pricey i think we only brought in 2 of each size

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I agree with Darkstar, its unbelievable. It feels almost weightless

Has anyone here ever gotten a stiff neck trying to keep their head up 'cause their cage was so heavy it was causing their head to flop forward? :rolleyes: That is a lot of kwan to spend on something that seems trivial. Just MHO.

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Has anyone here ever gotten a stiff neck trying to keep their head up 'cause their cage was so heavy it was causing their head to flop forward? :rolleyes: That is a lot of kwan to spend on something that seems trivial. Just MHO.

Forget the weight issue for a second.

If the cage doesn't rust and you never get hit in it hard enough to dent it then you'd only have to replace the chin cup over the years, the cage should last forever. I've gone through 4 cages in the last 5 years due to the rust getting too bad after a while. I've learned how to prevent the rust and remove it without damaging the cage now but if this cage last 5 or more years it's still cheaper then going through several cheaper cages in the same time frame.

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can i ask you what cage you use that rusts and dents so often and what level of hockey you play?

B level beer leagues but I play 4-5 times a week.

I went through 1 Bauer True Vision, 1 CCM and 2 Jofas (1 chrome, 1 black)

Part of it was that I let the water sit on the cages and never did anything about it so the rust would go from surface rust to pitting into the wires.

Also, I'm not talking the whole cage rusting usually it's near the chin cup but even a small spot gets on my nerves. The Jofas weren't as bad as the Bauer and the CCM was pretty old when I used it.

Only the CCM got dinged from a puck, one of the wires near my left eye was out of whack.

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I have seen rust on a few guys cages here and there. That being said, I have never had a speck of rust on any of mine. I do however empty my bag religiously after playing so I don't have wet stuff laying on my gear. Hmmm. That might be why my gear never smells (gloves aside) either.

Anyway, back to the subject of the thread. It's your money and ya can't take it with you so......... I just think the weight thing is a non-starter.

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I do agree about the weight, is that really something you will notice that much? I wouldn't buy this cage if that was the only advantage.

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I would be interested if it didn't cost more than my helmet itself, oh wait I don't need a cage anymore anyways, oh well... but then i'm not sure if I want to stick with a cage or just go oakley half visor, how would this compare to the bauer 8000/8500 cage in weight, vision and rust factor? I've never used an Itech cage before so not sure how it compares to the bauer cages i used for the past few years...

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can i ask you what cage you use that rusts and dents so often and what level of hockey you play?

B level beer leagues but I play 4-5 times a week.

I went through 1 Bauer True Vision, 1 CCM and 2 Jofas (1 chrome, 1 black)

Part of it was that I let the water sit on the cages and never did anything about it so the rust would go from surface rust to pitting into the wires.

Also, I'm not talking the whole cage rusting usually it's near the chin cup but even a small spot gets on my nerves. The Jofas weren't as bad as the Bauer and the CCM was pretty old when I used it.

Only the CCM got dinged from a puck, one of the wires near my left eye was out of whack.

I have seen some masks on helmets that are just raunchy with rust! I can't believe the kid wears the mask since it is so disgusting and I guess his parents never watch him play because I can't believe any parent would let their kid wear something that disgusting that close to their face!

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why dont you guys just spraypaint your cages? the rust doesnt show

Spray painted one of mine but the rust comes back again. I don't mind doing it but I'd rather spend 40 bucks on a new one then go through the hassle of prepping and painting the cage over and over.

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I just got confirmation that I have this cage was just shipped to me along with a helmet. I can not stand cages but am joining a team where the league requires them. This seemed to be the best bet to try it out. I should have it by next week and will post what I thought of it.

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Wow, after the one piece hitting the 300cnd bar and the skate hitting the 800cd bar, you guys are buying 200cnd cage.

Could you donate some money to a poor guys like me??

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ya but would you buy a 600 cnd stick if you didn't have to buy another one for a LONG time? i'm sure this is good but not 200cnd good but if you look at it as a long term investment then it might be worth it.

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