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RBK 5K or 7K? Need full set pads

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I need help deciding on which set of pads I want to get. I've narrowed down to RBK based on their reputation and what I've read on this board. There are 2 shops in my area that carry RBK. One recommends going with the 5K set for the level of play that I am at. The other recommends the 7K set if I am willing to spend the extra $50 on it. I want a set that I will not have to replace for a very long time, offer good protection, and have a comfortable fit. So far I have only tried on the 5K set and it feels very comfortable. I need some feedback on the 7K set first, however, because that set would need to be ordered for me. Which one should I get? P.S. I do not care about the $$ difference. I would rather spend more on something that is going to be what I want.

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I have tried neither of the sets of pads that you have mentioned. But, as a general tip, buying a "whole" set of pads may not be the best. You should try on other pads as well to see what works best. If the "whole" set fits well then go with it but most often, atleast for me, that is not the case.

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If that is any idication, my last set of jofa protectors (shin, chest, elbows) has lasted me about 7 years.

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If true the 7ks are only $50 more, go with them. The 7k will be more durable than the 5k, although the 5k is a pretty decent pad for the rec player.

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You get what you pay for. Go the extra $50 and get the 7K's. Better protection and higher quality pads. Chances are they'll last you longer.

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the 7k's aren't much more bulky and are great but i don't know if for the extra cash they are worth it. If the cost doesn't matter to you thenyou migh as well go 7k, especially if you liked the 5k.

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Has anyone compared the 6k shoulders? Do they follow suit of the shins, where they're completely new product -- offering good protection but in a lighter package? The sternum pad looks integrated (vs. the 5k and 7k). Anything else?

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