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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Kick A** stick from Reebok JOFA?

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Oh, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel....

I fully understand your position, but deleting your account off a message board with thousands of people worldwide because someone said something stupid and uninformed??? That's a bit extreme. You aren't having to share a house with them.

Be proud, wear your country on your sleave, but don't run away.

Life's gonna be a bit tough if you scream and rant and run away every time someone strikes a nerve. There are a lot of idiots out there.

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I know this #96 character is a minority, since most Americans are stand up guys but no fucking way I'm gonna co-exist with an individual like #96. That's just too much.


I know #96 and he is really an ok guy. The both of you would probably have a good time watching some hockey with a few beers. Hey, #96's favorite team is NY Rangers with King Henrik in net!! There you go, buds already!!

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Direct from Wikipedia, I didn't make this up, "It ended with the Convention of Moss, which forced Norway into a union with Sweden that was not dissolved until 1905. But the campaign also signified the last of the Swedish wars and its 200 years of peace are arguably unique in the world today...Sweden remained neutral during World War I and World War II...Sweden was part of the Marshall Plan but continued to stay non-aligned during the Cold War, and is still not a member of any military alliance."

So yes, Lille, Sweden's "Official Stance" is to stay "Neutral" in foreign wars. Their entry into the European Union opened them up to having to do foreign service in some minimal way, hence their semi-involvement in Afghanistan. I wouldn't consider their involvement as a major contribution, merely them putting in their time.

Perhaps you're more upset at a "Yank" teaching you more about your own country's foreign affairs policy.

But I apologize for calling Swedes pu$$ies. That was wrong. I was really just being a punk there. Sorry for the offense.

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In Major League Baseball they have rules about the kind of bat you can use. I wonder if something similar will ever happen for hockey sticks?

(Speaking of materials of course...we all know there are NHL rules for stick dimensions.)

so are nhlers goingto start corking their sticks now?

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#96, not that I disagree with you, but wikipedia is not the best of sources. Any bystandard(sp?) can logon to that site and edit/add as they wish. I think it would be more beneficial for your "standing" in this "debate" if you were to use a more feasible source.

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theres already foamy/cardboard shit in composite blades so I doubt it.


Not to mention that sherwood puts foam/honeycomb-wood cores (technically a cork) in their momentum aircore sticks.

Good stick too.. flexes like a dream and shoots like a redneck.

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