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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Steel

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I've been reading with fasination some of the threads regarding steel quality, different types of steel etc. What about mission steel? JR hinted in one of his posts that Mission steel is better, how and in what way? Are the Pitch holders stronger? I've noticed no complaints about the durability of the L7/XP lineup of skates and I'm just wondering what is the quality/design difference that makes these things good.

P.S. I'm wondering because a) a fair amount of pros are skating on Mission now and B) I like the design of the XP/LiteFit lineup and right now you can get L7's for really cheap (LOL I guess kids didn't think they looked "cool" enough or something so now most shops are overstocked on them.)

EDIT: Also, would all the questions I'm asking apply to Kors as well? Because Kors have the Pitch holders, do they have the same steel as Missions?

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The steel is very good. I have had three pair of Mission skates in the last two years or so and the steel is better than any others that I have tried. The L series do appear to "wear" more than some other brands from what I have seen.

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When you say the L series wear more, do you mean the boot? Or the holder? Do you have any pics of "worn" out skates?

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I mean the boot, the holder/steel is fine. It's just an appearance thing, they seem to look more beat up than some other brands/models. I don't have any pics but we didn't sell very many of them because most kids wanted vapors or vectors.

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