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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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did he mention why he likes the S500 better?

I'm asking because my tendon guard is ripping and causing the back to feel flimsy...

I kind of have the same foot type as you so my choice in skates are limited...

The S500's are as close as a fit as when I had my 703's, this being said, I'm in love with the pitch holder and would never purchase Graf again...

I was aqlso thinking of the Vector Pros

Also, I vanted to ask you if you believe that your one90's would of needed a heel lift if you had pot the pitch on em? Is the pitch at 2 the equivalent to the TUKK holder or does it still have a forward lean...

feedback would be appreciated

Thank you!

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First time post, in general--love the site.

I haven't held ag or xp fuels in my hands yet, but a lot of (U of Minn.) gophers have them and when I first saw them wearing them I thought, "what the *, those are the ugliest skates I've seen in a while."

In general, I'm a big fan of mission hockey's products and I just bought s400's I haven't gotten to skate in yet, but I'm liking the way they feel on my feet.

Glad if you like the new fuel look...it's all personal preference as always. I just think the purefly from three or four years ago looked better than s500 or ag 110.

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did he mention why he likes the S500 better?

I'm asking because my tendon guard is ripping and causing the back to feel flimsy...

I kind of have the same foot type as you so my choice in skates are limited...

The S500's are as close as a fit as when I had my 703's, this being said, I'm in love with the pitch holder and would never purchase Graf again...

I was aqlso thinking of the Vector Pros

Also, I vanted to ask you if you believe that your one90's would of needed a heel lift if you had pot the pitch on em? Is the pitch at 2 the equivalent to the TUKK holder or does it still have a forward lean...

feedback would be appreciated

Thank you!

There are a few reasons why I like the S500 more.

As for the tendon guard issue, have it reinforced with a piece of leather before you destroy the skate and it will hold up for a long time. I had my S500s stitched up and got another 100+ sessions out of them with no change in stiffness. The tendon guard on my Fuels are bubbling and creasing in the back and the sole is starting to peel off the left skate at the toe after reffing about 50 games. I did get mine very early and there could have been changes in the skate before the retail models went into production. As for the fit, I find the deeper ankle and wider heel make it harder to keep the skate snug without really lacing them tightly and that started to cause some lace bite on me.

Pitch 2 is Neutral and +1. So it will be slightly more aggressive than a Tuuk (N) and much more aggressive than a Tuuk (+1).

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wider heel does not sound good, i was looking for a narrow heel... :(

can someone compare the S500 to the Vector pros for me?

thank you for the imput Chadd

could you send me a pic of how you fixed your tendon guard so I can have something to show the person who will be doing the work...

also can you look at the retail versions and let me know if there different then the ones you got, the tendon guard on the ones i saw was hard as rock...

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