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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do you tape a stick

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I dont see why people tape the entire length of their stick this seems like a waste of tape to me what advantages could their be to doing this?

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Ever since I saw John LeClair's Sher-Wood stick in the sale bin at Bell Centre before the Habs traded him, I have taped my stick the same way as LeClair: one blakc strip across the bottom from heel to toe and around the end to the top of the toe. I then go heel to toe completely with black cloth tape. I like black tape because the black blade shows up easier when I keep my head up carrying puck and I need to take a quick look at the blade on the ice. If I use white tape its hard for me to see the blade on the white ice. I also add stick wax to the tape job.

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Ever since I saw John LeClair's Sher-Wood stick in the sale bin at Bell Centre before the Habs traded him, I have taped my stick the same way as LeClair: one blakc strip across the bottom from heel to toe and around the end to the top of the toe. I then go heel to toe completely with black cloth tape. I like black tape because the black blade shows up easier when I keep my head up carrying puck and I need to take a quick look at the blade on the ice. If I use white tape its hard for me to see the blade on the white ice. I also add stick wax to the tape job.

this is exactly how I do mine.. now in red tape tho to match my starskie hehehe

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I dont see why people tape the entire length of their stick this seems like a waste of tape to me what advantages could their be to doing this?

i tape my blades heel to toe and i don't think it is a waste of tape at all. In fact i believe that it will help prolong the blade life, from skates cuts and nicks also when you scoop the puck off the boards it will prevent the toe from spitting .

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I dont see why people tape the entire length of their stick this seems like a waste of tape to me what advantages could their be to doing this?

i tape my blades heel to toe and i don't think it is a waste of tape at all. In fact i believe that it will help prolong the blade life, from skates cuts and nicks also when you scoop the puck off the boards it will prevent the toe from spitting .

Thats why I tape my whole blade, if I can prolong the life of my 55 dollar blade any longer with a bit more tape its well worth it to me, hell i even put a strip or 2 of sock tape on the bottom of the blade to protect it after the tape wears after play...

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