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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor xx custom stick

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i was looking at the NBH catalogue, and was wondering if anybody could get the custom color vapor xx sticks yet? if so i think i might want to pick some up

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I owned an all black (except the XX) XX stick and it sucked.

Get the normal one.

So the color of the stick caused it to suck?

Ummm.. yeah.

No, man, the stick itself was just a piece of garbage..

The normal XX sticks are better.

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i would but im told that the xxx lite breaks all the time, and the xx seems stronger because i have broken only 3 this season

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The custom color XX OPS had to be part of your LHS booking order. They will not be shipped until after July 1. I ordered the black/red and navy/gold customs for my shop.

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The custom color XX OPS had to be part of your LHS booking order. They will not be shipped until after July 1. I ordered the black/red and navy/gold customs for my shop.

Black Red eh... that would match my HS Unis perfect. What curves are offered? How much?

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would you post a pic of the navy gold please?

The catalog just shows the color combos, not finished product for combos offered. So, sorry I don't have a picture.

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I had a Pro-Stock custom Vapor XX, I got it from my local Major Junior team, and it was teal to black, They now sell them at my LHS with PM9 curves and 102 and 95 flexes

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Pete, why did you get black and red??? Favoring highland are we

shouldha gotten some black and forest green ones

BC, Glen Rock, NJ Devils, wasn't thinking of Highlands but thats a good call. Black/Red gloves sell so I figured the sticks would as well. Do you want Black/Green? Pattern, flex, curve? Maybe it could be a late addition.....

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Not sure if 20 is the exact number, I heard it was closer to 12 at the show last week. If anyone gets in on some Maine colored ones, let me know I might be interested.

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Not sure if 20 is the exact number, I heard it was closer to 12 at the show last week. If anyone gets in on some Maine colored ones, let me know I might be interested.

I second the Maine colored ones. That'd be sick.

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