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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin pads? in fron of skate tongue?

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If I wear my shin pads over the tongue on my skates I need to wear 16's to get the to fit properly, yet 15's fit perfectly inside the tongue. The 15's only fit over if I tape the hell out of them to prevent them from moving at all and that doesn't feel comfortable. I do get better forward flex out of the 15's inside the tongue than any other combo.

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Graf 727's and the big Jofa shinpads. I put the shinpads outside, and only a strip of tape around them directly below the knee, to keep them from floating around too much. Lots of freedom of movement and comfort, and MAYBE a bit of ventilation with the gap there.

I prefer the extra inch of protection from the length of the shinpad... they stop pucks and sticks better than any skate tongue. It only took getting hit there once to change my mind. :(

Like others have said - personal prefs.

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My coach actually encouraged us to go with the shin pads outside of the tounge, becuase that extra inch can help alot for for protection what you are blocking shots, digging in corners, ect.

Another reason I find it it much more comfortable when your shin pads are on the outside, I feel like the skate is more a part of my foot this way, because I can tie them tighter. However some skates don't really allow this (Grafs have MASSIVE tounges) and so some people just have to have them on the outside

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It does depend on the type of skate. With my old Micron 90s I always kept the tongue on the outside b/c it was too big for the inside. When I had Vapors and now with my v12s I keep the tongue inside because the tongues on both of them are very short and thin.

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I think over the tongue offers more protection

That doesn't make any sense to me. By putting it over the tounge doesn't add an more protection nor does putting it under remove any. There is still Shin gaurd and tounge.

Saying that I wear my shin gaurds under the tounge. I always used to wear over but I like the increased mobility and movement I get.

Post #300 :)

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I wear them under b/c I can get them tighter and they conform to my shins. I take it they must be taped loose on the bottom to wear them over your skate tongues

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