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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Energy question

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Okay, I play the first game of our tourney in less than 3 hours. I'm still at work and get off, well as soon as my ride is here.

What should I do to get some more energy that won't crash. I have an energy drink, but I dont know if it will keep me going for the whole game.


I've worked an 8 hour shift, plus doing some shiznit before.

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I always think that a good spaghetti(or other pasta) before a game gave me energy. Those energy drink are pretty useless IMO, but if you find it help you, take it. Those kind of thing are just mental thing IMO, if you have a meal that you eat and it always seem to give you energy, that's the best thing.

Anyway, good game tonight, I hope you score a few goals. :)

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Well its going to take me over an hour to get to the rink, so I'm eating a good peanut butter and banana sandwich along with a bottle of Apple juice.

Hopefully that should keep 'er going because if I eat anything too heavy I'm gonna be just screwed.

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If you ate decent meal with some carbs 4 hours or 4.5 hours before game time, you should be fine. I don't even like energy drinks. I feel that they make me too jittery and I end up playing worse. If you haven't eaten anything yet, have an energy bar that isn't loaded with sugar and a nice tall glass of water to help digest it. Other than that, all I can suggest is get a really good warm up and stretch before the game. That always makes a big difference for me. Good luck in the tourney!

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Turkey sandwich on white bread 30-60 minutes before the game and gatorate or some orange juice with protein powder during the game works well for me on days when I have a night game and I'm in class for most of the morning/afternoon and I can't have any lunch.

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