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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Hockey

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Just wanted to post a note here because I think it's good to pass along positive customer service experiences with equipment companies. I think they're too few and far between these days.

I emailed Mission to see what they might recommend to correct an issue I had with my s500 tendon guards ripping. I know from this site that people have attempted repairs with a shoe shop but I wanted to get Mission's opinion. Their reply was that they'd replace them with a new pair of Fuel 95 XP or AG(have to wait till May for the AG).

This was beyond what I expected and I think everyone would be hard pressed to find another company that would even reply to an individual customer let alone offer complete replacement.

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damness thats good service. also, i just realized my left or right (can't remember which) tendon guard is ripping a tiny bit, but not anything serious. this is on my s300's. maybe i should get a fuel 85 for that :P

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I had amazing customer service when I broke my first M-1. I wasn't sure whether they'd accept the stick as broken, but they did and sent me a brand spankin new one, in a different curve (the one I had I did not like) in about a week. It was very smooth dealing with them.

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They always replaced anything that I ever had an issue with, for myself or a customer. The only issue that I ever had was with the credit department, they liked to charge for warranty replacements.

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Broke my black clip to hold my Itech HX-50 visor to my helmet (a very uncommon piece I came to realize) and I couldn't find them anywhere. Finally e-mail Itech/Mission and they sent me 3 of them free of charge. Also L-2 replacement was perfect.

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what about those that are overseas?

Justin, do you guys have a sole distributor in some countries? not sure about it, but I've had a real bad experience with the mission guys here in Singapore... shall not elaborate more, but after that, I started to buy all my stuff online rather than thru the guys here....

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I've got three kids in Mites and when I find a good company for any of thousands of dollars of stuff we buy for them every year, I usually stick with it. One of my mites is moving into the Junior size range and will probably be getting Fuels at the end of the summer.

From what i've read recently on this site it looks like Mission has consistent responses to customers, and even non-customers. That's the kind of thing that develops brand loyalty, anyone working in sales or marketing knows the exponential returns customer loyalty brings.

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A while back I lost the ear covers on my carbster, and they are required for the league I was in. So I emailed mission and the sent me about 6 of them free of charge so I wouldnt have to wory about a thing. Very nice of them. And when I bought my flyweight many years ago I signed up for the "Test pilot" program they had and I got a free M-1 out of it, ever since then I have used nothing but mission. A+ in my book!

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mission does have great customer service and are quick to reply to your problems and try to help you out as much as they can.. great people

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Woah I'm all ears here guys, I was looking at a pair of L7's or XP's (not now but maybe in a couple months once I can recover financially from my choice to buy from a retailer with not good customer service). And this thread has really tipped my scales.

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My goalie is getting the run-around on replacing his Itech 10.8 bag. When it started falling apart, there weren't any left in stock. Now that the new bags are rolling out, they are refusing to replace it.

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My goalie is getting the run-around on replacing his Itech 10.8 bag. When it started falling apart, there weren't any left in stock. Now that the new bags are rolling out, they are refusing to replace it.

I don't understand, they won't replace it on waranty? Why would they do that, when my hockey bags wear out I replace them. Or am I missing something here?

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My goalie is getting the run-around on replacing his Itech 10.8 bag. When it started falling apart, there weren't any left in stock. Now that the new bags are rolling out, they are refusing to replace it.

I don't understand, they won't replace it on waranty? Why would they do that, when my hockey bags wear out I replace them. Or am I missing something here?

They had nothing in stock when the bag failed and was under warranty.

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Evidently the problem was with the shop and they tried to pin the problem on Mission-Itech. He spoke with Adam in CS and it looks like things will be cleared up properly.

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From a Canadian view , I am a equipment manager for a pro womens team in T.O , I sent a e-mail to CS at Mission Hockey to inquire about team pricing, I was expecting that they would be a while getting back to me. To my surprise, the next AM I had a e-mail saying that they would be happy to work with us, that is crazy turn around, I am SO impressed with this service.

I am really looking forward to dealing with Mission, this thread makes it even better !

They even will try to get me some demo stuff so I can try to switch a few of the players from other companies to Mission


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