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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what is your preference in boot stiffness

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i am debating which skate i convert from ice to roller this year.

i have a pair of ccm vector 6.5's that i used as rollers last season, and they were great.

but this season i also have a pair of easton air soft boots that i havne't used much. those are the choices.

just wondering for roller skates, what do you folks prefer, softer stiffness or stiff, b/c the vector 6.5 is a lot stiffer than the airs.


here's the ccms: (with ls2s)


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As stiff as humanly possible. I have a left ankle that just loves to roll...so I need the support. Others who dont have weak ankles like me usually prefer something less stiff.

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i like stiff boots too. i feel like if the boot isn't stiff, i'm not getting a good stride because i'm wasting some of my energy. and it helps if you take a puck to the foot. i know roller pucks aren't that bad, but i took one to the foot and it hurt like hell. i know if i was in my ice boots i wouldn't have felt a thing.

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I prefer a much softer boot, I feel I can cut faster, harder and stop much crisper with the added mobility. It might also be that im 5"2 120 pounds. But its all personal preference.

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I prefer a much softer boot, I feel I can cut faster, harder and stop much crisper with the added mobility. It might also be that im 5"2 120 pounds. But its all personal preference.

Same for me, except the height and weight stuff.

If the boot is too stiff, I feel like I can't maneuver as well.

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Not only do I not like stiff boot I dont like a high cut boot either. Stiff boots and high cut boot feel like they completely eliminate the need for ankles. I hate it! But to each is own

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As stiff as humanly possible. I have a left ankle that just loves to roll...so I need the support. Others who dont have weak ankles like me usually prefer something less stiff.

My supination is so bad I have literally twisted the chassis and the boot on my missions that are a year old, I can't even skate on them anymore!

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As stiff as humanly possible. I have a left ankle that just loves to roll...so I need the support. Others who dont have weak ankles like me usually prefer something less stiff.

My supination is so bad I have literally twisted the chassis and the boot on my missions that are a year old, I can't even skate on them anymore!

Supination? Sorry for asking a stupid question but what is that? My ankle only rolls at odd times....like when I am walking, or running, and sometimes mid stop. The stiff boot eliminates the roll for me though.

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