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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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U of M Equipment Sale

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Doesnt matter if your 8 or 80 go out on the ice and have fun. What are we talking about here ... pickup hockey? Your making fun of guys with nice gear in pickup???


Seriously. I have been playing since I was 8 and for over 29 years now. I can honestly say I dont give a rats ass if a guy is NHL caliber or just a begginer starting out ... ITS JUST PICKUP!

If they have nice gear ... GET OVER IT!

Have I said this yet? Its just pickup ... grow up.

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Guest Muck

Exactly my reasoning, Ponty. Wish we had a reputation system here, I'd give you mad props.

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Everyone knows that Ponty is the voice of reason on MSH. Him and Lester8...that guy is deep! Ain't nobody on here who can break it down like Lester.

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I love the "experts" with stellar gear, huge egos, loud mouths and no skill. They make me laugh. Hell even the ones with talent make me laugh. Last time I played pickup I learned that Easton owns Bauer and Nike owns RBK. Obviously this was a little bit of a shock to me, the really shocking part was that Easton is evidently the most popular skate in the world and they sell more skates than anyone. It's utterly shocking how far out of the loop I am, and it's obvious I need to spend more time at pickup to stay on top of the latest info.

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Guest Muck

I've got no skill in hockey. Football was my sport until last year. Three time All-American Defensive End, haven't skated since I was younger. But I can tell you about a team and about the evolution of sport. Spouting about Bambi and how useless beginners are (and the equipment they choose to wear) is senseless. Say a hockey player decides he wants to give football a try. Is it right to bag on that dude because he doesn't know what a three technique is? Should I blast him the first day because he's wearing the new DNA helmet? No, I'm going to help my teammate. An opponent, I'll do my best to beat him then help him up. I'll try to share my college and pro knowledge and experience with him. Not try to hurt him or talk about his new gloves and what a POS he is. The point is, I'm an athlete, and trying to get started in this sport as is a few others. The most difficult of all athletic sports (IMHO) comes easy for those of you who've skated since the age of 3. Is it productive to bash on someone because they prefer quality? Who cares? I'm happy we all have the ability to stand on two legs. I've witnessed paralysis, I've witnessed kids who can't utter a word or stand from a wheelchair. I'm getting off on a tangent. But they'd kill to strap on cleats or skates and give it a go. At any rate, if some chump has an issue with gear, they've got bigger problems than your typical teammate/opponent. Grow up.

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Everyone knows that Ponty is the voice of reason on MSH. Him and Lester8...that guy is deep! Ain't nobody on here who can break it down like Lester.

I wonder ever happened to him ? I hardly ever see him on the board ?

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just want to make one thing clear about that bambi thing, my personal bambi player picture (in my head) has nothing to do with guys who start playing hockey (no matter of age) because of that ever growing passion! i do absolutely have no problems with beginners who work hard and try to learn or ask for help or anything else, even they have top of the line gear in cause of protection. i wouldnt ever slash or hit some guy who is not even my (low) level, i play beerleague now after playing highest class junior hockey(over here), my ambitions are fun and the love to hockey. even though i am new here at MSH i dont wanna let things come up without trying to explain what i meant.

Well muck i am sorry that you got this personal, and i am sorry that my english is not so good to explain me correctly, for me the bambi thing matches perfectly to an image i still have in my head... no big deal, sorry anyways :(

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Guest Muck

No, didn't take it personal. If I was able to convey tone through writing you'd see I wasn't upset. It's all good, wasn't mad at anyone, just trying to voice the other side.

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I agree with muck, guys who have years of experience and are super comfortable in a game that is not easy to get comfortable at (for a newbie) should diss a guy cause he had to go and buy new gear just to get into the sport (and the guy at the SportChek probably sold him all top end stuff but that's another story).

But I can relate to the others... what they are saying is that some guys don't try to get better, they think that buying gear will earn them props/make them better. *shrug* let them have their glory, I have to admit I"m a little jealous as I can't afford to be a gear whore. But I can afford to be in GREAT physical shape at the beginning of every season. And I can afford to be stronger than anyone else on the ice.

Maybe we (I) rip on those guys because we (I) wish that we (I) could get all the stuff they have, and use it so much better than they could?

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By the way, thanks Bucko. :)

makes it so much easier to talk about things, even its not to easy for me in english... thanks too muck!

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I agree with muck, guys who have years of experience and are super comfortable in a game that is not easy to get comfortable at (for a newbie) should diss a guy cause he had to go and buy new gear just to get into the sport (and the guy at the SportChek probably sold him all top end stuff but that's another story).

But I can relate to the others... what they are saying is that some guys don't try to get better, they think that buying gear will earn them props/make them better. *shrug* let them have their glory, I have to admit I"m a little jealous as I can't afford to be a gear whore. But I can afford to be in GREAT physical shape at the beginning of every season. And I can afford to be stronger than anyone else on the ice.

Maybe we (I) rip on those guys because we (I) wish that we (I) could get all the stuff they have, and use it so much better than they could?

that may be the point!

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i dont know how to spell, type, or speak really! worst of all i dont even know how to play hockey i just love the sport. I knew that if i posted something like i did on here someone would respond to it immediately. I could care less if you have 30 year old equipment or top of the line its just funny how it gets under some people skin. I say kudos to everyone who goes out and skates and plays in any league cause its good to get some kind of excercise and let some aggression out. My problem is with young kids who go out and get cocky with everyone, ultimately leading to somebody getting hurt. Not good hockey in my book just enjoy yourself and have fun.

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