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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What skates / extras should i buy?

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I have a 2 yr old missions and i have started saving up for new skates..( willing to try any brand)

Lets just I have unlimited money.?

What kind of skates should i buy and should i add new wheels or chasis to them.?

And good you get me a price quote with your opinon

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Do a couple searches and look through the reviews. You'll find it's mostly personal prefrence and to go with whatever fits best. The new Mission line has alot of followers, my 9500's look and feel extremely well built. A few others on the board love the Tour line, especially the Hum'mer frame. Most top end skates come with sufficient wheels and chassis.

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i think you need a pair of skates with rinkrat wheels for sure B) then make sure you get yourself some ceramix bearings B) forget all that new stuff and go with the tested and true stuff... like mission D1 skates ;)

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Shameless advertisement.... ;) I have always been a follower of mission. cant go wrong. then again I always do the ice to inline conversion. My favorite so far has been s500's with e-frames.

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Shameless advertisement.... ;) I have always been a follower of mission. cant go wrong. then again I always do the ice to inline conversion. My favorite so far has been s500's with e-frames.


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Eazy_b97 Posted on Apr 9 2006, 09:14 PM

The new Mission line has alot of followers, my 9500's look and feel extremely well built.

shute Posted on Apr 10 2006, 01:49 PM

  i think you need a pair of skates with rinkrat wheels for sure  then make sure you get yourself some ceramix bearings  forget all that new stuff and go with the tested and true stuff... like mission D1 skates 

Easy and shute,

The two of you are in Ontario, Canada right? Where did you find the high end Mission skates? Did you just buy them online? I'm in Toronto and haven't seen the new 06 Mission Roller Hockey stuff in any of the stores I've been to lately (Just Hockey, National Sports, Sport Chek ect). I don't really need new skates at the moment as I'm currently getting some ice boots converted, but I've heard a lot of good things about the 06 Mission line and if I wanted to get some in the future or perhaps pickup something like the Mission Thorax (currently play without a girdle) it'd be nice to know where I could go locally - especially for the skates. I've tried on S500s before and know I'd be about an 8.5EE, but I'm not sure how that translates into the roller line as from what I've read the fit of the roller line is different. I'd be very hesitant to order high end skates online without being absolutely sure what size I needed - unfortunately I've made that mistake before, but have since learned my lesson.

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I had to go online to get my 9500s, buit I got'em around X-mas. Try calling Al's Sports in Burlington, they get some decent inline stuff occasionally. I remember they had some D-Limiteds a while back. Also try hockeygeeks.com (which is London SFS) they may have what you are looking for as well. Mission inline fit should be the same as ice. You could also ask Just Hockey if they can order in a single pair of the model you are looking for.

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Eazy_b97 Posted on Apr 10 2006, 02:33 PM

  I had to go online to get my 9500s, buit I got'em around X-mas. Try calling Al's Sports in Burlington, they get some decent inline stuff occasionally. I remember they had some D-Limiteds a while back. Also try hockeygeeks.com (which is London SFS) they may have what you are looking for as well. Mission inline fit should be the same as ice. You could also ask Just Hockey if they can order in a single pair of the model you are looking for. 

Thanks for the response. The question was more out of curiousity then necessity at this point, but I appreciate the answer for future reference. I grew up in London and do remember that London SFS always had a good roller hockey selection, however; when I was there over Christmas they didn't have any new roller stuff in (only a few 05 closeouts). I may take a look there the next time I'm in town visiting family and I'll keep an eye out at Just Hockey as I have seen some high end roller stuff there in the past - they probably just haven't received there 06 roller hockey orders yet...I'd imagine they would soon if they're ordering any as there are a few leagues around here that start in May.

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i'm from canada B.C. we have one shop called "the hockey shop" that carries all the mission models but they are always over prices... their wheels are like 50% more then online prices which is a shame. i buy all my skates online from epuck... even with shipping it's much cheaper then any LHS over here but sometimes you have to pay customs which ends up being the same price as a LHS. i just take my chances... 50/50 most of the time.

if your looking at the thorax girdle i have one for sale!!! no joke! i used it ONCE for a pickup game and didn't like it. it's size M. let me know if your interested.

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shute Posted on Apr 11 2006, 01:24 AM

  i'm from canada B.C. we have one shop called "the hockey shop" that carries all the mission models but they are always over prices... their wheels are like 50% more then online prices which is a shame. i buy all my skates online from epuck... even with shipping it's much cheaper then any LHS over here but sometimes you have to pay customs which ends up being the same price as a LHS. i just take my chances... 50/50 most of the time.

if your looking at the thorax girdle i have one for sale!!! no joke! i used it ONCE for a pickup game and didn't like it. it's size M. let me know if your interested.

I would be interested in the Thorax, but I'm pretty sure I'd need a Large as I'm 6'2" 210lbs and wear large roller pants and hockey pants.

And yes, it's hard to justify paying double just to buy local. If it's 15% more and you can get them right there and not worry about shipping, duty, or getting the wrong size it would certainly be worth it, but 50% more is just too high of a premium.

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Nah you'd prob be ok with the med! I am 6'2" 210 as well and I wear a medium, I maybe could have gone a small. They are made of a lycra type material so the tighter the fit the better, medium should be all good! Ps I also wear large pants too! haha

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