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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Colored Vapor Sticks

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From what I understand they only make them in Vapor XX Max Stick'Um ,but my LHS has a Vapor XXX in Option 20 P92 or 120(Green/Burnt Yellow). I wish I had the money for it.

So is the custom colors program available in the XX and XXX.

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The XXX is no longer available. That OPS was made in Mexico. All NBH OPS now come from China, I do believe. The XX Custom is not a XX Max Stick'um. The Custom Color program does have open windows for your LHS to book. However, the time between the booking date and delivery date is 3 months. I checked with NBH last week to see if this program was still open.

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Hey were can I get them to make these custom colored sticks? :angry:

LHS = Local Hockey Shop. Minimum booking #'s apply, LHS must be a First Line Dealer with Nike Bauer Hockey.

Booking Windows-

5/20/06 Deadline to place order = 8/20/06 Delivery

7/15/06 Deadline to place order = 11/15/06 Delivery

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Somebody please delete his sig... sigh.

Back on topic. I saw a few floating around ebay.. I would keep an eye out there.

edit: (looking at his post history) better yet.. just ban him.

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