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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Stick Question

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Now that Warrior stuff is out, do they have a novius like model? Novius is my favorite stick ever. I have two already, but I hate to not be able to get another if I break one.

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I have a Novius 300 flex and the boron spine does work. When you try to flex it the other way it is stiffer for sure. Love the shaft, no complaints with it so far.

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How many novius shafts do you need? I had mine for years even with all the hacking and slashing. It only broke because of a freak accident.

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How many novius shafts do you need? I had mine for years even with all the hacking and slashing. It only broke because of a freak accident.

I bought two of them 2 years ago, one is grip and one isn't. I could never get use to the grip so, I am looking for a 260 0r 300 flex RH non grip. To have as a backup stick. Epuck only has left handed sticks available.

The flex chart lists the 260 flex as a easton 90 equivalent and the 300 as an easton 85 equivalent. Are they really that close together in flex?

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I dont know.. I thought the novius was a little more stiff than the 1100 rating. An 1100 260 flex felt a little more whippy than the novius 300 flex. The 300 novius feels like a Stealth 100.

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How many novius shafts do you need?  I had mine for years even with all the hacking and slashing.  It only broke because of a freak accident.

I bought two of them 2 years ago, one is grip and one isn't. I could never get use to the grip so, I am looking for a 260 0r 300 flex RH non grip. To have as a backup stick. Epuck only has left handed sticks available.

The flex chart lists the 260 flex as a easton 90 equivalent and the 300 as an easton 85 equivalent. Are they really that close together in flex?

You can always roll over the shaft and use the lefty upside-down. A is the top of the shaft in this diagram.




If the stick is LH, the spine is in side "D". Just roll the stick 180 degrees and you get this:




Now the spine "D" is in the correct position for a RH player. 260 is more like 95.

Rough conversion:

300= 85




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