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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf G-Series

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Any comments, comparisons, evaluations, criticisms, and general observations about the Graf G-Series skates from actual users? I posted a topic about the G-35s, but this is open to anyone who has skated in a G skate regardless of the number. Also, do people think that Graf is a step ahead or behind with their Carboframe technology? Is Graf's a full carbon boot like the Easton Synergy or a half like the high end Missions?

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I saw the skate in Toronto at the trade show and I really wasn't impressed with the look/quality of the skate. I know you probably don't want to hear it, judging on the fact that you're seeking out actual users. Give it some time - they just came out.

Curious - what store do you work at?

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we have the G35 for... i wanna say $425-$440??(US) i can check next time im at work. havnt revieved any other G's quite yet, saposed to be on the way.

EDIT: missed word

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Do you guys work in shops or are you quoting the prices? If you work in shops is there any feedback from users? If you're just a fan of your LHS (applause, applause) what are your impressions? JR, I know you found them ugly and cheap, which they may be, but psychologically I have a problem believing that Graf is producing poor quality skates. I have never seen them, but am very familiar with the 735 which I like. JR, I think you're right--user feedback is going to take some time. I work at the Stick Shack in S. Dakota (Mount Rushmore state). Thanks for the continued feedback.

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They do work in shops and the skates on display did not look up to Grafs old standards.

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Honestly, I think Graf's QC has been on a downfall since they started to get better known...I've seen misplaced eyelets and sloppy soles and blade mounts. Hockeydude works at Just Hockey in Toronto. Dunno about TCSnipes.

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Honestly, I think Graf's QC has been on a downfall since they started to get better known...I've seen misplaced eyelets and sloppy soles and blade mounts.

My guess is it's much like CCM. Once they were bought by a capital management company, they cut quality in an effort to increase reveue before selling to someone else for a profit.

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Gentlemen, thank you. I am moved in the moment to understand that a few of the mature voices of MSH/CB are disillusioned with Grafs recent quality decline. Terrible. Dishearting. Graf has always been the bastion of hockey quality. Innovation requires mistakes, which I think is why Graf has been a more conservative company over the years. Solid. Dependable. Graf. Lord...do we have to go through another '03 Easton season with Graf? Thank you for your opinions. I have seen the sloppy blade mounts and soles too, but I just sort of overlooked it, like when your buddy says "I'm going to take your girlfriend to the movies," and you think to yourself, "I'm glad they get along." Well, if Graf has a bad year perhaps it will make them better. Does anyone else have a comment on Graf's recent QC (Quality Control) one way or another?

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Then explain it?

Honestly...if you saw it, why did you overlook it? Overlooking it isn't going to make it go away.

Graf makes great skates, do not get me wrong. I just think that lately they've been rushing them to market b/c the demand is up. They haven't been able to maintain their high standards as they did in the past.

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Explain what exactly? No, I didn't overlook it, I just noticed it thinking that it was a bit of an aberation, nothing to worry about, that we had a few skates (and I mean a few) that could have been constructed better. Previously, Graf skates have been flawless. Straight shelf appeal. I suppose this noticing explains a bit of my paranoia and questioning. Our store serves a USHL team and their Graf skates hold up great. When I say innovation requires mistakes, I haven't given up on Graf, yet I am a little concerned about their launch of a new product like the G-series. Sometimes, after a new launch, a company sorts the problems of a new product out after a few years. Occasionally, a company nails it the first time.

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Most of the people I know who have been using Graf are looking to switch. One guy had his 705 for a few months and just bought some S500s. Another has been having steel and holder problems in his 704s (I think). I hated the steel in my 727s, damn things wouldn't hold an edge.

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Ha, ha, I apologize for my esoteric writing (except that I use words like esoteric). Yeah, I know some guys with 705s who are looking to switch too. My feeling, from talking to them, is that while there is nothing to complain about the 705s there isn't anything to recommend them either. The new skates are just lighter and offer the benefit of making one think they perform better. Still, the question of Graf's quality has never been an issue untill now, and I respect Graf for not jumping on the disposible skate band wagon.

Graf could certainly use a technological upgrade, but my concern is did they perform that upgrade with the G-series and maintain their integrity, or just start making disposible skates for the diminished expectations of a market that no longer expects quality or duribility? What did you do about the steel on your 727? Tuuks? T-blades?

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Actually the 727s are sitting in the corner, I went back to my old CCMs and just bought some S500s last week.

I'm willing to give Graf a chance but it seems like they're going the Easton, Vapor, etc... way. More flash and lighter but not really better.

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How is the ankle padding on the S500s? Is it just a recovered Pure Fly, or did Mission add a bit more padding. I have Pure Flys now, but need new skates. I love the soft boot concept, but I would like more comfort, i.e. ankle padding. I have a weird ankle bone spur from hockey skates and frankly am willing to give up performance for comfort. What CCMs did you have to go from a wide fitting boot to Missions? Did you get a Mission E fit?

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I'm in an area that has no Mission dealers and I'm not an expert on the pure fly. JR may be able to help when he sobers up in the (mid)morning. I think the S500s are more comfortable than any skates I've ever used. I did order my Missions in EE width, as they run in vapor-ish widths.

My CCMs were four or five year old 852s, before their quality really went to shit. I had been looking for something that was close to being as comfy as my 852s for years as they were really beat to hell. I got a hell of a deal and thought I'd give the Missions a shot and I was very impressed.

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How many times have you skated on the new Missions? Do the new Missions have special heel pads like the black circles inside the Vectors or old Externos? Or are the S500s a solid liner? Did you bake the S500?

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They have a solid liner and a couple of extra pads on the inside around the ankles. I skated twice on Wednesday, once Thursday, eight times Friday and Saturday and once on Monday night. I never baked them at all, they were fine out of the box. I'm used to skates without a composite sole so I noticed the extra stiffness when I first used them and when I reffed and I was on them for an hour and a half straight.

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No blisters or serious discomfort? What do you use for socks, if any? All that skating, no baking, and still the most comfortable skates you've ever used? Quite a recommondation.

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Only thing I had to adapt to was the stiffer sole. I use pear brand socks, they're very thin cotton socks.

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You can be thankful that Mission 86ed the blue liner or you'd have blue pear socks. I have a wonderfully colorful array of paper thin, wicking liner socks myself that I skate with. All of them blue. Are you a T-blade man? Any comments on the pitch holder? Did you adjust the pitch holder at all? How is the tongue on the S500s? Is it padded or rounded? The tongue on my Pure Flys actually cut through the liners of my shin pads (CCM 852s) and offered everything in the way of pain if getting shot in the tongue or side of the foot.

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As something of an afterthought, what was it about the 727 that you didn't like except the steel? Seems like the 727 would be very similar to a Mission EE width. Anything make you shelf the 727s except the steel?

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I haven't adjusted the pitch holder at all and the neutral seems to be just fine to me. I have my own skate sharpener so T'Blades wouldn't make much sense for me. The tongue is padded but not very thick. Funny coincidence that I'm also using 852 shins right now.

The Grafs never felt quite right in terms of fit. It was almost as if I was between sizes and going either way just didn't feel "right".

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