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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Z-Air pro stock gloves

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I'm looking for thoughts/reviews on these gloves, I can't find anything using the Search function. They are the same model that Sakic and Roenick wear.

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I'm looking for thoughts/reviews on these gloves, I can't find anything using the Search function. They are the same model that Sakic and Roenick wear.

They're probably my favorite gloves out there (which is saying alot). I've had a few pair of them. I really want a pair of the pro zero-shocks to try though (Forsberg/Zetterberg).

They're pretty similar to the 2001-2 z-air retails but they're made much better (higher quality materials) and have a great pro nash palm. The cuff is a bit different as well, it's more of a 2 piece cuff.

The ergonomical shape, while some may find ugly, really allows for natural movement of the hand.

I really wish easton would just dump their high end retail gloves and offer these at retail. They're well worth the price.

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I agree with Geki, they are 100X better than everything easton puts out on the retail market. The new synergy gloves are terrible.

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