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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buffing up

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Sorry to start another one of these topics, but all the topics on here involve gaining lots of mass for hockey. I play Midget AAA and i feel like im basically maxed out in where im going in hockey. I could potentially play junior next year, but im comfortable with my strength as far as on the ice goes. Im trying to get any help you have on buffing up. And looking more ripped. The main things im looking to target are toning the pecks, gaining larger biceps, basically the upper half of my body...as my legs are relatively strong and well proportined as is. Ive looked on bodybuilding.com but i cant seem to find anythign on getting "ripped" only gaining mass. Any help is appreciated.

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I dont know to much on it but my dad always said drink protein powder in your milk and it will give you the better ripped look in the long run


but then again maybe he just said that so i would drink it?

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If you're looking for better definition, it more about nutrition and conditioning to lower your % of body fat.

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Being ripped has everything to do with body fat %. You need to get your diet well-structured and do your cardio religiously.

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Agreed. If you just want strength and mass...lift heavy weight, fewer reps, lots of protien. You want to look good, lighter weights, more reps, lots of cardio, and watch the fat intake.

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