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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've had it with my bauers...will profiling help?

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I recently switched from Graf 709's to bauer 8090's. I loved the grafs but they just wore out. Everyone told me what a great skate the bauers are but I'm having a really hard time with them. They are just killing my arches. I have extremly flat feet and use arch supports but even still these skates hurt my feet. It seems as if all my weight is sitting on the arch of my foot.

I know that graf had a forward pitch compared to the backward pitch of the bauers and I'm wondering if I get them profiled with a forward pitch if it will help? Also, how often would I need to get it done? I'm thinking bauers just may not be for me and it might be easier to just order another pair of 709's. I'd appreciate any advice you guys can give me.

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if there's a definitive difference in the boot pitch, you could get some heel lifts to recreate that forward feel...I believe JR does this with his NBH skates that he's tested both past and present

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