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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synergy 1200c skates...

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me and my brother got a pair of syNergy 1300c skates this year i still have mine up and running perfect, i take care of them like a child, cuz thats basically how you need to treat them. From my experiences, everytime you go out for a skate, you get home wait till they dry and whenever their dry look for cuts in the boot, and immediatly reglue them with super bonder, its the only way they last, as for the toe, a few coats of a toe pro will do the trick to keeping it from breaking down on you, mine from august till now, i havent had anything thats gotten thru the material on my toe its still brand new, and my brother got the replacement 1200c skates 4 days ago and we went out for a skate and for shits i put one 1200 skate and one 1300 skate(we both have the same exact size) and i prefered the 1200 because the skate felt not as composite, it didnt have the same response as the 1300, and the 1300 for response and regidity like you would expect from a comp skate. there isnt much difference between these skates from my experience but more padding and comfort thats basically it.

And what did you guys mean by the 70/30 compostie split and the 85/15 composite split?

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i think that's the ratio for carbon fibre/some other material.

the 1500 skate is an 85/15 Carbon Fiber split while the 1200 is 70/30 split. That is why the 1200 feels less composite...because it is ;).

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i think that's the ratio for carbon fibre/some other material.

the 1500 skate is an 85/15 Carbon Fiber split while the 1200 is 70/30 split. That is why the 1200 feels less composite...because it is ;).

No, they both have 100% composite material.

A complex material, such as wood or fiberglass, in which two or more distinct, structurally complementary substances, especially metals, ceramics, glasses, and polymers, combine to produce structural or functional properties not present in any individual component.
- Dictionary.com

The 15% reduction in carbon fiber is what makes the 1200 feel softer

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i think that's the ratio for carbon fibre/some other material.

the 1500 skate is an 85/15 Carbon Fiber split while the 1200 is 70/30 split. That is why the 1200 feels less composite...because it is ;).

No, they both have 100% composite material.

A complex material, such as wood or fiberglass, in which two or more distinct, structurally complementary substances, especially metals, ceramics, glasses, and polymers, combine to produce structural or functional properties not present in any individual component.
- Dictionary.com

The 15% reduction in carbon fiber is what makes the 1200 feel softer

Okay...Ryan and websites that carry the skates must be wrong then...


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i think that's the ratio for carbon fibre/some other material.

the 1500 skate is an 85/15 Carbon Fiber split while the 1200 is 70/30 split. That is why the 1200 feels less composite...because it is ;).

No, they both have 100% composite material.

A complex material, such as wood or fiberglass, in which two or more distinct, structurally complementary substances, especially metals, ceramics, glasses, and polymers, combine to produce structural or functional properties not present in any individual component.
- Dictionary.com

The 15% reduction in carbon fiber is what makes the 1200 feel softer

Okay...Ryan and websites that carry the skates must be wrong then...


I'll reserve my comment on the first part. What's your point with the link?

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Shaw's still drunk off that Kool-Aid. :)

I think you have misunderstood...they are both composite skates. What the split is the amount of carbon fibre vs fibreglass or whatever else they are using. Since the CF is going to be stiffer, having more of it will make the skate stiffer and lighter. They are doing exactly what I told them they should do. Make the skates with varying flexes.

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Shaw's still drunk off that Kool-Aid.  :)

I think you have misunderstood...they are both composite skates.  What the split is the amount of carbon fibre vs  fibreglass or whatever else they are using.  Since the CF is going to be stiffer, having more of it will make the skate stiffer and lighter.

Awww, had to go and spoil my teaching. I tried to give him enough info to figure it out, but evidently the hit at nationals is still slowing him down. ;)

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Shaw's still drunk off that Kool-Aid. :)

I think you have misunderstood...they are both composite skates. What the split is the amount of carbon fibre vs fibreglass or whatever else they are using. Since the CF is going to be stiffer, having more of it will make the skate stiffer and lighter. They are doing exactly what I told them they should do. Make the skates with varying flexes.

I think you misunderstood my post also, as that was my point. Of course they are both "composite" but the ratio is the carbon fiber:"conventional construction". I guess I put it wrong when i said it was "less composite".

And yes, Shaw is still drunk off that Kool-Aid :)

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Shaw's still drunk off that Kool-Aid.  :)

I think you have misunderstood...they are both composite skates.  What the split is the amount of carbon fibre vs  fibreglass or whatever else they are using.  Since the CF is going to be stiffer, having more of it will make the skate stiffer and lighter.

Awww, had to go and spoil my teaching. I tried to give him enough info to figure it out, but evidently the hit at nationals is still slowing him down. ;)

Very funny. :lol:

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"composite" means made of different elements, fiberglasss is a composite and is the smaller number in the ratios. Therefore the 85/15 and 70/30 are both 100% compsite skates.

That was the point of my earlier post.

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