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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blue oakley visor

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Your girlfriend can pick you out faster. One of the guys on my team has one and that's why his GF likes it.

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I remember hearing about different tinted contact lenses for different sports made people better, i think is was yellow for tennis or somthing but i dont think is will have much affect if it is true

Wasnt Nike gonna make sports contact lenses (Tinted ones)?

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I remember hearing about different tinted contact lenses for different sports made people better, i think is was yellow for tennis or somthing but i dont think is will have much affect if it is true

Wasnt Nike gonna make sports contact lenses (Tinted ones)?

David Roberts (Orioles) was wearing those lenses last year

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I remember hearing about different tinted contact lenses for different sports made people better, i think is was yellow for tennis or somthing but i dont think is will have much affect if it is true

Wasnt Nike gonna make sports contact lenses (Tinted ones)?

David Roberts (Orioles) was wearing those lenses last year

do you mean Brian Roberts?

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i honestly think coloured tint on visors look hideous.

in my opinon, it's more preference and "show" than functionality. if it's too bright, the normal tint stuff i can handle...but the coloured ones...idunno, again, it's all preference, i personally dont like it.

but i guess if there is any benefit w/ a blue visor over a clear one, i guess it would be that it does somewhat dim the light a bit?

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I remember hearing about different tinted contact lenses for different sports made people better, i think is was yellow for tennis or somthing but i dont think is will have much affect if it is true

Wasnt Nike gonna make sports contact lenses (Tinted ones)?

David Roberts (Orioles) was wearing those lenses last year

do you mean Brian Roberts?

my bad, you're right. I don't watch much baseball anymore.

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I remember hearing about different tinted contact lenses for different sports made people better, i think is was yellow for tennis or somthing but i dont think is will have much affect if it is true

Wasnt Nike gonna make sports contact lenses (Tinted ones)?

They are red. And are for outdoor sorts. They are supposed to be just like wearing sunglasses.

As far as tinted visors the only color I know that have been scientifically tested are yellow and orange. They both help clarity.

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well, i do know (or from what i've learned at least) that the colour red is supposed to make reaction times faster.

i learned this when i was at a tour of a russian submarine that came by, the tour guide of the submarine mentioned that all the lightbulbs in the submarine were tinted red because it would keep the guys awake and quicken the reaction time.

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