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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Length Question

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I have a question which is probably pretty silly but I am just now starting to play again after a 10 year break (last time I played was then I was 15). From what I have read, hockey sticks are supposed to have a max length of 63 inches. I am currently 6'5" so when I am on skates, a max length stick does not even come up to my shoulders. Is there a way to have a stick be longer than this? I had grown up playing with a stick which always came up to somewhere between my chin an nose. Trying to use a stick which currently barely comes to the bottom of my shoulders seems to really prohibit much of my stick game. On a side note, I have only used one peice wood sticks so I know nothing about multi-peice sticks. Is there some way where a multi-peice shaft can have an extended butt end?

Thanks for any help since google has not been my friend today.

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Most of the beer and rec leagues don't worry too much about stick length. What you could do is get one of the longer composite One Piece Sticks or a longer shaft and then put in a full 6 inch end plug. RBK/CCM, Bauer/Nike, and Salming make longer One Piece sticks with no butt ends - the Salming G1 stick I have is the longest one I have, the CCM Vector the second longest, followed by a Nike Apollo. I'm 6'2" and the Salming G1 comes to just above my chin when I'm on skates with no butt end - adding a butt end would easily make it long enough for someone who's 6'5". The wood butt ends sold in stores are usually about 6 inches and you'd probably only need to add a 3 or 4".

Another option would be to add something like an Oggie grip which would add length to a longer shaft or OPS. I've never used one myself, but have seen them mentioned in several other threads.

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You can add a longer butt end into the composite stick/shaft and increase the length. Some shops offer really long butt ends that should meet your needs.

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Aside from the 63" limit by many rulebooks, many of these rules that are in place are currently not strictly enforced.

For example, many rulebooks state that you're supposed to tape a knob at the end of your stick to keep the sick from being inserted into a cage, but I can tell you that there are thousands of players that don't tape a knob at the end. Broken rule #2.

Another rule in many of the rulebooks is that you're supposed to cap the end of your hollow stick. I know of many players that think that they will lighten their stick more by popping the plastic end cap off that comes with many of today's OPS. This endcap only weighs about 1 gram, about as much as a pencil! Well by doing this, you can really give someone a nasty injury by "coring" them out. Yet another rule broken.

I'm not advocating that you use a stick above 63", which gives you a shot advantage, but I'm simply saying that it may go unnoticed.

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