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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1300c or 1500

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anyone know the difference between these skates i am having a problem i like all the easton synergy skates i like the costs of the 1200 but i like the 1300c (ive tried demos) and i dont know much about the 1500

any info


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yea i will probably wait and check out the 2006 models maybe take them for a tester or what ever i didnt find an ankle issue when i wore the 1300c the first time does this problem happed gradually after you wear them alot or what? :D

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yes, 1200c is the same as 1500c. im the happy owner of the 2006 1200c's. sooo comfortable.

Sorry I just posted a thread asking what these skates fit similar to in size? Bauer, CCM, Graf......

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yes, 1200c is the same as 1500c. im the happy owner of the 2006 1200c's. sooo comfortable.

1200s the skate to buy imo. As light as the 1300 also. That skate is probably the most comfortable skate i've had on.

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