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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dolomite weight?

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Does anyone on here know the weight of a dolomite tapered shaft/blade combination?

also, how does this compare to a Synthesis tapered grip/si-core blade combination? This is what I'm using at the moment but I've ordered the dolomite combo and was wondering if there'll be much difference in weight. thanks guys B)

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asked epuck and they said theyre unsure but believe its close to 365grams for blade and shaft, and about 350 for the synthesis combo

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No way it's that light. Unless you mean the shaft alone and then that value would be too heavy. I have a Starskie one piece (same as Dolomite) non-grip and it feels like about 445-455g. The two piece might be a little different, but probably about the same.

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the synthesis grip is 305 grams I believe and the synthesis blade is around 140-145. Total weight around 450 grams

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