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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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buffalo hockey

Getting new skates

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What size Vector Pro do you wear? I might have a pair or two of skates to sell you... good prices too.

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Why do you keep on posting equipment threads in the general hockey discussions?

JR - You got me confused for a second there. I show this is the Icehockey Equipment section.

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9.5 or 10s..what you got?

I have a pair of CCM ZG130's, size 9.5E in the Sell section. Look at them if you want, it's a good price, and you could change the holders to something other than t'blades if you want.

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Try the 1300's on for a while and take your time. They are a great skate if they fit your feet but their a nightmare if they don't. I have a pair and their the most comfortable skate I've ever worn. Didn't have any hot spots or pinch points from day one and they get better the more I use them. If they don't fit well thats a different matter. There are a lot of examples on this forum regarding that. Take your time and get whatever skate fits you the best and stick with it. ;)

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Try the 1300's on for a while and take your time. They are a great skate if they fit your feet but their a nightmare if they don't. I have a pair and their the most comfortable skate I've ever worn. Didn't have any hot spots or pinch points from day one and they get better the more I use them. If they don't fit well thats a different matter. There are a lot of examples on this forum regarding that. Take your time and get whatever skate fits you the best and stick with it. ;)

Duch is right. I'm in the complete opposite postion, they bite the crap out of my ankles, but everywhere else is amazing (I have easton 900C's though). As is my understanding from the boards and trying on my friends Vapors (which I hated.) I'm pretty sure that the Eastons probably fit a little wider than the XXX's do. Definitely go with the ones that work for you, I've gone to using old school 852 tacks, and am a much better skater as a result (the break in was a bitch though).

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