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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom stealth in nhl

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probably not custum. i saw a lot of those in the frozen four. probably just a special edition, or most player didnt like the new color(blue non grip, red with grip)

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it is funny, even though his sticks are black he still paints them black at the bottom...

in that last two pics you can see where the paint has come off (near the toe) but none of the stick was damaged, just the exterior paint was scratched off...

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sensations, the sens merchandise store, they sell players sticks for$100 CDN and $70 for shafts they have alot of pothier,mezaros,mcgratton,eaves,neil,schaffer,smolinksi and usually alfie, they aslo have heatley, fisher, vermette, and, well pretty much everyone, just some are more common

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i havent lloked at their curves to hard and no they dont sell blades, only blade/shaft combos(warrior and synthesis) and 1 piece ops and warrior shafts

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