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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most Durable Easton Stick

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I am looking to get either a Synergy or a Stealth. Which one is more durable and does the CNT tech have any effect on the durability? Are the older synergy more durable? Thanks

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I am looking to get either a Synergy or a Stealth. Which one is more durable and does the CNT tech have any effect on the durability? Are the older synergy more durable? Thanks

neither. as beaver said try to find an 04 or older model

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I am looking to get either a Synergy or a Stealth. Which one is more durable and does the CNT tech have any effect on the durability? Are the older synergy more durable? Thanks

neither. as beaver said try to find an 04 or older model

Wasn't the 03 the really bad one? There was one year that had huge durability problems, it was the year after the z-tac and gold grips.

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as soon as you buy your "last" synergy, thats the real durable one. I broke three last year, but number 4 is doing great.....I did buy a mission L2, and i like it alot better the my synergy though. Thing is a tank, except for the two blades I've broken, but that was from fat people I ran over falling or stepping on them.

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You want durabality, get an Easton UltraLight shaft and put blades in them. Personally I prefer wood blades, but it's your preference.

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yea i have an ultra lite.

shes a tank

but why did easton stop with the z-tac stuff?

like i had three of those green ultra lite blades. they woulda die no matter how much of a beating i laid on em

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SL's are the worst.. even the old yellow SyNergy grips broke easily.. but I agree with most above..

Easton and Durable don't belong in the same sentence (never tried a ST tho)

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when i get sticks a lot of the time as soon as i use them i feel as if they're gonna break just from sound and feel, and i have had it for a while now i'm not to sure on how long thou.

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I have an easton aluminum from about 1992, but I havn't used it since then haha.. my yellow synergy grip feels really strong, as opposed to my orange synergy si-core which feels that its about to snap every shot I take.

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probably a Synergy ST(stands for super tough) or the new CNT Stealth

How do you know the CNT stealth is durable, it just came out.

cuase my 05 stealth is a tank(probably a fluke), and i said probably meaning i dont kno and that im trying ot help

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Oxymoron.....Durable Easton

It's like asking "who is the hottest fat chick?"

or whose the smartest kid with autism, courtesy of the movie "Waiting"

I believes it's the "smartest person with Down Syndrome".

Funny and offensive either way, very amusing movie

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