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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior equivalent to coffey pattern

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I am currently using a z-bubble shaft with a wood sher-wood coffey blade. I like this set up but would like to have a tapered shaft as well. I am thinking of getting a dolomite tapered shaft and was wondering which of their curves would be closest to the coffey curve that I already use (and I wouldn't mind a slightly lower lie though, < 5.5). I suppose that I could just get some sherwood composite tapered coffey blades, but was looking for an alternative, possibly with a 4.5 or 5 lie. Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the responses. Has anyone seen the Robataille? It sounded similar on paper but with a smaller curve. I have seen the smyth and that curve seemed even more banana like than my coffey hooks. How do the easton and warrior blades compare? Thanks again.

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Thanks for clearing that up. Right now I also have a stealth and a synergy with iginla curves and I much prefer the coffey on my z-bubble. Are there any other coffey-ish patterns out there? Is the Easton Gaborik the closest?

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Gaborik is the same and is a lie 5.5 the yzerman is the same curve but a 6 lie if you are looking for a blade I use both I have an yzerman synergy and a gaborik stealth

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is there any curve out there that is like or very similar to the coffey but with a lie lower than 5.5? I think the smyth is like a 4. A curve like the coffey but with a 5 or 4.5 would be best for me (I think).

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the robataille is an iginla. NOT a coffey-ish curve..

The ones I've seen are closer to Coffey than Iggy

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just a lil FYI in your searching the robitaille is identical to a lindros in the bauer sticks (I wouldnt exactly compare it to an iginla). Probably your best two bets will be the smyth or robaitaille in a warrior pattern.

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except the lie right? according to the pattern DB the robataille is a 5 and the lindros (p88) is a 6.

I don't trust the Warrior lie numbers but I haven't had a chance to see them all in person and verify them yet.

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