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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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good places to get cheap gear?

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Almost everyone has a craigslist.com for their area, that's a pretty good place to find gear also. But you'll probably just want to go to the hockey shop in your area and get things there, you're able to try things on, and the staff should be pretty knowledgeable. There's nothing worse than spending money on gear that doesn't work out, it ends up costing you more in the long run.

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Has anyone tried able auctions?

Not for hockey equipment but my dad's friend bought a photocopier from their auction and it broke down within a month.

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Online stores are pretty good for cheap gear. Look for the "closeout" marked items. You can get stuff thats a few years old (but still new) for pretty cheap. Only problem is you can't try it on before you buy.

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Has anyone tried able auctions?

Not for hockey equipment but my dad's friend bought a photocopier from their auction and it broke down within a month.

they had a hockey liquidation recently...i went....nothing doing unless you wore XXL sized gear.

cheap sticks though, vector 130's for $125 cad. although by the time i went all they had left were bonk curves...

tons of skates too for half off retail. you could have bought a pair of 8k's or pro tacks for $250 cad.

some of the skates were blems or seconds, so i didn't wanna risk buying anything.

some pro return stuff.

and all the things were THC.

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For protective stuff, if you see a team-mate with new gear, ask for the piece that was replaced. You might save your buddy the trouble of taking it to the sports exchange or consignment store, your buddy would get a little more, and you would pay a little less.

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or in a store like Sports Autority

BTW, it seems like Sports Authority, Dicks, etc., mark up a little higher than hockey-only type stores. If it's all thats in your area and you don't have an LHS, then it's probably irrelevant!

And, they usually have the lower end of the compays product ranges too, at least in the stores (the online versions of them seem to list abetter selection). But if you're looking for cheap, that's pobably irrelevant too! :blink:

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Has anyone tried able auctions?

Not for hockey equipment but my dad's friend bought a photocopier from their auction and it broke down within a month.

they had a hockey liquidation recently...i went....nothing doing unless you wore XXL sized gear.

cheap sticks though, vector 130's for $125 cad. although by the time i went all they had left were bonk curves...

tons of skates too for half off retail. you could have bought a pair of 8k's or pro tacks for $250 cad.

some of the skates were blems or seconds, so i didn't wanna risk buying anything.

some pro return stuff.

and all the things were THC.

where about is this store do you think they will have the v130 ops still?


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I've bought stuff from all different places. For protective stuff I would definitely recommend going to your local hocky store so you can get the right sizes and get stuff that feels good on you. Getting stuff online might be a bit cheaper but you never know how something is going to work for you. I'd always prefer to shop locally and pay a bit more rather than trying to return stuff over the web.

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