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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 7k OPS...reviews?

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Hey guys,

New member to the site, but I love it so far.

Anyways, I've searched around for a while here but I havent found a lot of experience with the RBK 7k stick. I just picked one up on sale at a small local store for $180, down from $299 CDN. I haven't got a chance to play it yet, but the stick feels fantastic and I love the Modano curve. It's 395 grams, same as the Stealth (lightest on the market I assume?) and it feels really well balanced. The price point this stick is at, as well as the feel of it make me think it is right up there with the Stealth, SL, and XXX-lite as one of the best sticks you can buy.

I'm just wondering why the apparent lack of information out there on this stick? It is known to have poor durability or something? I'm generally pretty easy on my sticks, I've had an old Bauer Tri-Flex way back when they first came out, then moved up to a Mission M-1 and just recently broke my Synergy Si-Core that I had for almost a year.

Sorry if this had been covered, any links/opinions would be helpful



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i havn't used the stick personally but i do work in a pro shop, and i know that we havn't sold more than 10 and out of those 7 broke in the first two weeks which kinda makes me wonder about the sticks durability.

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I just played for about 2.5 hours with it today, put it through a bunch of clappers before the game.

First impression of the stick is that it is insanely light, a much noticable difference over my old Si-Core. The blade end felt really really light, so light that I had to actually go back to the dressing room and take off a bunch of tape from the knob because it felt too heavy at one end. It actually took me a fair bit of time just to get used to, the puck feels very different on the blade when stickhandling. I handed it to a few guys and they couldnt get over the light feel of it.

I find it is very good at recieving passes, even with the different feel of the blade. The stick is about 2" longer than my old stick, but it doesnt have a plug and I am hesitant to cut it.

I'm not sure if the lie is different from my old Modano Si-Core, or if it the extra length but I find that the stick isnt sitting very level on the ice for me, the toe is up in the air and I wore all the tap off the bottom half of the blade towards the heel which is something I never experienced with the Si-Core.

As a result of this lie issue I felt a little unsure of my shot, however I was able to hammer it with an authority I didnt have with the Si-Core when I did catch it right. The blade feels very very hard, and after a full 2 hours of scrimmage and half hour warm up with probably 30-40 slappers there is zero wear anywhere on the stick. I've still got about 2 weeks on the warranty, so I am going to really try to put it through the paces tommorow and see how it turns out.

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Yes, try shortening your stick to your si-core length or whatever length you have been using and are comfortable with. Your stick is too long, hence the blade not being level on the ice

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i havn't used the stick personally but i do work in a pro shop, and i know that we havn't sold more than 10 and out of those 7 broke in the first two weeks which kinda makes me wonder about the sticks durability.

maybe it was a bad batch

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sorry to be kinda mean but dont assume that because its expensive that its a great stick some cheapy woodies are great too (good enough for the pros good enough for you)

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well just because it is expensive doesnt mean I automatically think it is an amazing stick...but generally in our society the higher the price of an item, the higher quality that item is. I know that is a huge generalization, but if I see a $300 stick and and a $40 wood stick, I am going to assume the $300 stick is better.

Anyways, like I said, I got this stick on sale, and I think it was a pretty good deal. I would never have bought it full price, I was looking at Synergy ST's and just happened on this, and I think the 7k is a superior performing stick to the ST, but hey that's just me.

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