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Tendonitis Questions

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It all depends on where the injury is. Iceing it is always good (brings down the swelling) and Aleve is the best thing ever (naproxen reduces the swelling.)

In my opinion going to physio is a waste of money. If it keeps bothering you go to a chiropractor and then a massage therapist.

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The reason why tendonitis hurts is because the tendon is swollen and irritated.

I have tendonitis from my neck down to my wrist on my left side. Icing it is the best. Make sure that no scar tissue will build up.

See if a chiropractor has the high frequancy massage system to releive some of the irritation.

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I had Patella Tendonitis (Knee) and I didnt really think it was that big of a problem so I didnt take it too seriously. Now, three years later theres scar tissue on my knee that if it gets bumped not even very hard hurts like a bi*ch. Make sure you take goooooood care of it!, scar tissue sucks :(

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Forearm tendonitis SUCKS! The only remedy for now is rest and ice and ibuprofen if your stomach can handle it. I have had way more than my share of it. My bad habit is not resting enough. Tendonitis takes a long time to heal. Once you are healed, do stretches and SLOWLY work into strength training. I have had friends who have suffered for years with a single bout of tendonitis because they did not rest.

Loke most injuries, you can rest now or rest later. It is better to rest now when you are just injured and irritated, rather than when you are injured and pissed at yourself for rushing your recovery.

Good Luck.

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Those wraps that go just below the elbow helps, too (depending on your location of the tendinitis). That was the only thing that helped me. For months I suffered from a golpher's elbow (which I think is slightly different than a tennis elbow) but after wearing the wrap, my tendon stretched back out and quit knotting. Now I only have to wear the wrap whenever I feel the tendon starting to knot (only now and then and even then it's only for a few hours).

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bumping old thread from the dead

Any specific advice for kicking patellar tendonitis to the curb? Its been bothering me since late last year. It has gotten better in the past 2 months or so, largely due laziness on my part (so i may have stopped working out for awhile... :( weight gain ftl)

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