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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do mission skates fit ? Compared to Bauers ...

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Hey I have an opportunity to buy some S500 for a good price. I am currently using a pair of vapor xxx's in a size 6.5 D, can anyone tell me what size I would most likely be in a mission skate ? Cheers.

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Hey I have an opportunity to buy some S500 for a good price. I am currently using a pair of vapor xxx's in a size 6.5 D, can anyone tell me what size I would most likely be in a mission skate ? Cheers.

Mission is the closest to your actual shoe size. I wear a 9.5 shoe, 8 in Easton and Bauer's, my new Fuels are 9. After baking, I could have gone 8.5 but these are fine. My PP is very snug skates.

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Hey I have an opportunity to buy some S500 for a good price. I am currently using a pair of vapor xxx's in a size 6.5 D, can anyone tell me what size I would most likely be in a mission skate ? Cheers.

Mission is the closest to your actual shoe size. I wear a 9.5 shoe, 8 in Easton and Bauer's, my new Fuels are 9. After baking, I could have gone 8.5 but these are fine. My PP is very snug skates.

thats the dumbest thing ever, i wear a 10.5 adidas, 10 new balace, who wins.

Aldo dress shoe 9.5, doc martin 10.

theyre skates not shoes, i want to know how they fit with skates

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thats the dumbest thing ever, i wear a 10.5 adidas, 10 new balace, who wins.

Aldo dress shoe 9.5, doc martin 10.

theyre skates not shoes, i want to know how they fit with skates

So the average of your shoes is a size 10 basically. My average shoe is a 9.5. The skate charts reference street shoes. The point is, skates, like all shoes fit differently by manufacturer and the only way to really know is to try them on.

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10.5 Bauers fit more snugly than ideal but 11 is way too big even before break in

and I'm in an 11 Mission s400. They're pretty close scales to me.

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I would be carefull.  I wear a size 6.5 in CCM, size 6.0 in Bauer, and 9.0 Mission S300.  I wear a size 9 shoe.  There is not a conversion table out there.

I find it very hard to believe that you were fitted properly for those skates

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I have never bought Missions bcause they have never fit me right. I went to my LHS to buy the S300's and none of the skates worked well with my foot. The only one that was close was the size 9.0. I walked out with some Vector 6.0's. Do the new Missions the L series and Fuels have a different fit then the S series? I have always heard good things about the Mission skates, but after that experience I have not tried them on since then.

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S and L series are completely different fit IMO.

S series are painful to me and L fit well (in EE anyways)

edit: i used to have vectors also btw...so you're probably more the L type.

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What I have heard:

Fuel AG is roughly the S-line, short-cut boots

Fuel XP is roughly the L-line, more traditional boots.

Take into consideration the S/L boots aren't exactly the AG/XP boots. I think Chadd said his AG's were a bit wider compared to his S500's.

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I have never bought Missions bcause they have never fit me right. I went to my LHS to buy the S300's and none of the skates worked well with my foot. The only one that was close was the size 9.0. I walked out with some Vector 6.0's. Do the new Missions the L series and Fuels have a different fit then the S series? I have always heard good things about the Mission skates, but after that experience I have not tried them on since then.

The Fuels don't fit exactly like the older mission skates and the L don't fit like the S.

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I would be carefull. I wear a size 6.5 in CCM, size 6.0 in Bauer, and 9.0 Mission S300. I wear a size 9 shoe. There is not a conversion table out there.

Are any of the skates in E or EE width or just Regular / D width? I can fit into a 6.5 E width Vector and I am a 9 shoe size.

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