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"Learn to use your edges"

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What exactly does it mean when somone says "learn to use your edges"? Ive only been skating 2 years now self taught and I seem to be doing good. Im not a terrible skater but would like any advice to improve my skating/stride/stoping/turning. So how do I learn to properly use my edges. I never realized how technical skating is til after reading about forward pitch, radiusing,different grinds, etc. After 2 years im still a newb! :huh:

edit: oops I think this needs moved!

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well there are two skates on your feet, each skate is having two edges, inside and outside edge. So when you are skating you just have to learn how to balance with your edges, you gotta get a feeling for the edges.

man i am sorry ican not explain it to good cause english is not my native language... :huh:

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well there are two skates on your feet, each skate is having two edges, inside and outside edge. So when you are skating you just have to learn how to balance with your edges, you gotta get a feeling for the edges.

man i am sorry ican not explain it to good cause english is not my native language... :huh:

It's about learning how to use all four of those edges, power transfer, balance, etc...

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There is good info available in some of the links here.


this one is very good!! whe had a course when i was about 16 years old, with our national team and those guys really helped me to improve my skating skills!!

power-skating was kind of a magic word over here, since that laura stamm / robby glantz thing was getting popular!

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For maximum power, turning etc you should never be sitting on both edges equally. Even good defencemen stand in a sort of "fly" position so that both inside edges are cutting the ice, even if they're just standing there at the point. That way, if the puck comes out to you, when you shift your weight to get it, there is no doubt as to what edge you're pushing off of.

The only time I can think of when you might be on both edges for more than a split second is when you're coming in on someone who's dinking with the puck in his own zone... you want to be able to fake either way in case he tries to dodge you. The trick to catching a guy like that is to not give away WHICH edge you're going to use right away, but then to be able to find the edge as soon as you decide how you're going to have to curve to hit him smack on!

Also, I'm not expert regarding sharpening but someone (skatedoctor) said recently that new skaters like to have a 3/8 hollow because it allows them to find the edges quicker and to dig in even when they are not skating aggressively, but that better/aggressive skaters can use a 1/2 hollow and get better performace because their skates are always at an agressive angle, and they are always hard over on their edge. If that makes any sense. So the idea is... if your blade was even shallower than 1/2, and looked like this on it's side: [|||, then you would be force to use your edges because otherwise you wouldn't cut the ice at all. But as long as those edges were sharp, once you got the skate at an angle and were really using your edges, you would really feel it dig in.

Maybe some sharpeners can makes sense of what I'm trying to say.

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Not to go nuts here, but I was wondering, with a shallower hollow (say, 1/2) then wouldn't I have maximum bite when my skate is at 45° from the ice, when when I have a deeper hollow (say, a 3/8) then wouldn't I have less bite, in fact the best bite with a hollow like that would be more upright than 45°? In which case it is much more "high performance" to have a shallow hollow, because being more comfortable at sharper angles = sharper turns, more powerful stride etc etc?

This is so dumb I've skated all my life but I've never thought through some of the factors.

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Not to go nuts here, but I was wondering, with a shallower hollow (say, 1/2) then wouldn't I have maximum bite when my skate is at 45° from the ice, when when I have a deeper hollow (say, a 3/8) then wouldn't I have less bite, in fact the best bite with a hollow like that would be more upright than 45°? In which case it is much more "high performance" to have a shallow hollow, because being more comfortable at sharper angles = sharper turns, more powerful stride etc etc?

This is so dumb I've skated all my life but I've never thought through some of the factors.

I recently started skating with 7/8 and I do notice that I have to lean over further to make the sharper turns. But that's about it. 7/8 offers way more speed.

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Not to go nuts here, but I was wondering, with a shallower hollow (say, 1/2) then wouldn't I have maximum bite when my skate is at 45° from the ice, when when I have a deeper hollow (say, a 3/8) then wouldn't I have less bite, in fact the best bite with a hollow like that would be more upright than 45°? In which case it is much more "high performance" to have a shallow hollow, because being more comfortable at sharper angles = sharper turns, more powerful stride etc etc?

This is so dumb I've skated all my life but I've never thought through some of the factors.

just nitpicking here, but although 1/2 is shallower than 3/8, 1/2 isn't what i'd call a shallower hollow. more like 5/8 +

as far as the rest of that goes...no idea :]

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I always get laughs from the kids but I tell them if they ever want to learn how to use thier edges really good to take figure skating lessons. Figure skaters have the best control of thier edges and can use outside and inside edges equally well.

Watch alot of kids do power skating drills for either inside or outside edges and alot of them cheat or fall over (especially on outside edges).

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I always get laughs from the kids but I tell them if they ever want to learn how to use thier edges really good to take figure skating lessons. Figure skaters have the best control of thier edges and can use outside and inside edges equally well.

Watch alot of kids do power skating drills for either inside or outside edges and alot of them cheat or fall over (especially on outside edges).

we had to do when we were about 14 years old... at first nobody wanted to, cause we all thought man we are hockey players no tiny dancers or so... but after all it was a great help! we had really good coaches back in that time, they tried a lot to make us better :D although its a great show to celebrate goals with a fancy jump in the face off circle... :rolleyes:

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This is good info for when my son starts learning to skate, he wont be happy about the figure skating lessons though! My fiance said "hes not taking figure skating, I dont want him to be gay" LOL

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being a figure skater is gay, but taking showers with a bunch of other guys is okay....LOL


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