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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Longevity of Composite sticks

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Hi guys, I have a couple questions.

First off, I use and have been using a TPS x-lite wooden stick for my whole hockey experience. (I played a couple months 3 years ago, and just started again with the same but brand new stick).

I want to go composite, but with the hefty price tags (100+), how long do these sticks usually last? I'd be playing about 2-3 times a week mostly adult hockey, and I doubt that I'm TOO rough on my sticks. Don't take many slappers, might in practice, but most are wrist or snap shots.

If I were to buy say a Bauer XXX stick or a Vector 110 or 120, how long would these last? 4-6 months?



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I play 6x a week and my SL's last about one month on average

The ST that I've been using holds up pretty well and hasnt chipped or cracked or anything yet so its a very solid OPS IMO.

I havent used my stealth that much (It feels alot different than the SL am I wrong?) but the stealth seems solid to.

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If I were to buy say a Bauer XXX stick or a Vector 110 or 120, how long would these last? 4-6 months?

You'd be choosing good, solid sticks. Many have been impressed by the XXX, also with the 110 and 120. If you went with CCM, you would be sacrificing weight, as they aren't the lightest OPS out there, but they are the most durable.

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OPS there are tons of lines designed for different things. Some durability, some to keep cash in your wallet, some for performance, and some just overall.

Easton Stealth/Easton Synergy SL/Nike Bauer Vaper XXX-Lite - Performance sometimes at the cost of durability

Easton Synergy ST/Nike Bauer Endure - durability

This is just a little insight on some of the popular brands.

For the ones you were talking about, those are from last year or two years ago. I'd say if you weren't too hard on your sticks, you could keep those you mentioned for at least 4-6 months. Also depends on which curves/flexes you like and the lengths you need.

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I had a stealth last about year using it outside on polished concrete before the blade split in half. So that was a total of about 55games.

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It depends a lot on the style of hockey you play. Lots of slapshots will shorten the life span of an OPS, as will giving/taking a lot of slashes. There is no "average" life span for any OPS.

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Lifespan is anywhere from 1 shift to 3 yrs. There are so many variables it's impossible to put it in a timeframe. Some sticks are made for so-called performance but they tend to break much easier. I've seen players who go thru $2000 worth of sticks a yr, and others who spend $99 on a entry level stick, and it last for whole season. IMO, technique is WAY more important than the stick. I p[lay with a lot of guys who have awesome shots using 5030's who blow away the guys with the Stealths. It's not the stick. Repeat, not the stick.

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Yep, a lot has to do with your skill level and the amout of flex and punishment you give the stick. If you really torque on a stick with slap shots and wrist shots as well as in face offs the stick is going to break much quicker. If you are a beginner and don't do many of these things, the stick could last years.

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