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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet help

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Right now I have a Bauer 3000 helmet and it is very uncomfertable. Do any of the helmets in the hockey giant clearance have a better feel, like the ht652, ht852, or the bauer 4000? Or should I get something else?

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Right now I have a Bauer 3000 helmet and it is very uncomfertable. Do any of the helmets in the hockey giant clearance have a better feel, like the ht652, ht852, or the bauer 4000? Or should I get something else?

the 4000 and 3000 were very similar from what i can remember.how is it uncomfortable

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For me it just doesn't fit right. I think I am in between sizes. It the medium It is to tight on the sides and hurts and in the large I can't get is small enough front to back. The padding is to hard.

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the best way you can find a good fit for a helmet is by trying on different types at your LHS

had almost the same problem when our team had to wear all the same helmets with the bauer 3000, it seemed to be between sizes, for me the L was way to big, i always weared my trusted ccm during practice he fits me just better than the bauers, except the 5000.

but ones for sure, its about your head so it should fit perfect, so you absolutely should go to your LHS!

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I have a 3000...same problems with me and sizing. I just bought a Jofa 690...waiting for it now.

Supposedly the 652 and other CCMs like that model fit wider or so I hear.

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I have a 3000...same problems with me and sizing. I just bought a Jofa 690...waiting for it now.

Supposedly the 652 and other CCMs like that model fit wider or so I hear.

I haven't seen a 3000 in a while but I know the 4000 is pretty narrow. I can't wear a 4000 without some pain but the 690 works very well for me. I have a medium and a large in teh 690, I'm right in the range where both can be adjusted to fit me. As for the original poster, the CCM helmets are generally wider than Bauers.

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