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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where to get warrior sticks in the Montreal area?

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Hi, I want to buy a warrior stick but all i've found has been stores on the web which sell them but i would like to try to feel one and the flexes, so with that being said I would what to know if any of you know if theres a store around the Montreal area which carry these sticks.

Thanks in advance! :D

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www.frasersports.com has them in stock

its in the West island

The prices there are ridiculous compared to the other online shops and even the local shops here in Toronto.

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Actually, ONLY ONE SHOP had inno stuff and it was joe sport in pierrefond. I live in montreal, so i know a lot of shop.

I know for sure rousseau doesnt carry warrior inno. Maybe warrior changed thing but inno never had any retailer in all Quebec.

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What are the prices at Fraser? In the Toronto area I wouldn't mind either because im going there in August, but besides that thats all? And also i i were to order from Epuck lets say, will the shipping cost me a fortune?

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What are the prices at Fraser? In the Toronto area I wouldn't mind either because im going there in August, but besides that thats all? And also i i were to order from Epuck lets say, will the shipping cost me a fortune?

269 for dolomite i think

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What are the prices at Fraser? In the Toronto area I wouldn't mind either because im going there in August, but besides that thats all? And also i i were to order from Epuck lets say, will the shipping cost me a fortune?

I think I saw a Dolomite for $219 at National Sports in Toronto

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