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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Air Force One Hoax

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He rented a cargo plane, painted it to look like air force one, then snuck up and put graffiti on it? If you're going to spend that much money on a prank go all out and do something that's going to cause a real uproar.

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He did cause an uproar, not big, but he caused one. When you have money (which I'm sure Marc Ecko has), I guess he just got bored?

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He did cause an uproar, not big, but he caused one. When you have money (which I'm sure Marc Ecko has), I guess he just got bored?

Most news outlets didn't even mention it and the ones that did barely said anything. Can you imagine if he flew the plane into a commercial airport and unloaded a bunch of guys in fatigues? Better yet, unloaded a bunch of people in Arabic robes who jumped into limos and took off. It just seems like a huge expense for such a little payoff. It would have been easier and cheaper to get a good CGI guy to do it.

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Could it have been better? Yeah, of course...but, he (M.E.) probably just got bored, and felt like going on a shopping spree.

Umm CoXmT...nice avatar? Haha...

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it looked suspicious to me when you could see a police car drive by and you could clearly see the people going over the fence, with the lights that were on, even a blind man would have see them.

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it looked suspicious to me when you could see a police car drive by and you could clearly see the people going over the fence, with the lights that were on, even a blind man would have see them.

But hes blind, how is he suppose to see? Now if you said heard, I could have agreed with that, that makes sense, but a blind man seeing, that is just loco.

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No emo, just thought I would save some $$$ and chop down the forest in my backyard. All that savings went to pay for the hospital visit. I guess med insurance finally paid off for this one.

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