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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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jose theodores new mask

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I like that idea, the gargoyles(sp?) on the Montreal mask, and then the same ones but frozen. Just think thats cool <_<...another thing I just noticed is that it has mountains instead of skyscrapers.

P.S. I dont know if this has been talked about before, it probably has, but does anybody know what the LX means?

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During the McDonald Caravan last year, he was still with Vaughn and he has a pad with the L and another one with the X, but then he went to Itech and we all know what happenned.

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I've always liked Theo's mask...but I like the Av version even better than his Montreal one. I think the darker colors lend better to the theme of it.

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Have you seen the back....a little elephant silouette with #33 under it. I guess for a French Canadian goalie, Patrick Roy casts a mighty big shadow to play out of.

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