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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What stick is Gagne using today?

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I was watching the game between the Flyers and Buffalo, and noticed Gagne is using a new Bauer stick. It sorta looks like the Endure, but rather than being red and grey, it is a blue like the Easton One, and grey. Any one have any info on this stick? No pictures yet, but this is what I have seen.

BTW, this game is being horribly called.

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  aaa_warrior6 said:
ya i was wondering the same thing...its definitely new because its got the nike swoosh on it. It might be a custom vapour XX?
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Don't get me wrong, but why would he get blue sticks playing for Philly? Makes no sense, but dont count it out.

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i was just surfing epuck and i saw this new 2006 vapour v2 ops. I think it might be the stick gagne is using except the v2 i saw on epuck is black and fades to lime green. It could be custom paint or a different version(grip or non-grip).

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  aaa_warrior6 said:
i was just surfing epuck and i saw this new 2006 vapour v2 ops. I think it might be the stick gagne is using except the v2 i saw on epuck is black and fades to lime green. It could be custom paint or a different version(grip or non-grip).
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but why would a pro be using a price point OPS?

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I agree with Megaman, I'm pretty sure I saw one90 on the side and it looks to be the same blue as the triangle on the one90 skate.

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  Megamandan said:
I was just about to make this thread! It's a one90. I saw it on the side, blue silver and black. Deffinatly said one90 on the side.
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So it's a OPS? Is it listed in the 06 catalogue?

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