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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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so what is the #1 stick flex in the NHL?

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but i wonder what a 100flex or a 95 flex feels like to a pro...maybe like a 80-90 flex to an average person??

well with the avg. of 200ibs I would say you are right. 85 flex..

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Guest Muck

Jason, thought I'd take this opportunity to say you guys are awesome over there at East West Hockey. I always try to support my LHS, but if I go online for whatever reason I go to you guys first. EPuck is my second online vendor for availablity. The one thing both of you do that the others don't is treat customers like they deserve to be treated. You earn their money. Don't ever change over there.

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Jason, thought I'd take this opportunity to say you guys are awesome over there at East West Hockey. I always try to support my LHS, but if I go online for whatever reason I go to you guys first. EPuck is my second online vendor for availablity. The one thing both of you do that the others don't is treat customers like they deserve to be treated. You earn their money. Don't ever change over there.

Thanks Muck... I truly appreciate your feedback and support!!

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Jason, thought I'd take this opportunity to say you guys are awesome over there at East West Hockey.  I always try to support my LHS, but if I go online for whatever reason I go to you guys first.  EPuck is my second online vendor for availablity.  The one thing both of you do that the others don't is treat customers like they deserve to be treated.  You earn their money.  Don't ever change over there.

Thanks Muck... I truly appreciate your feedback and support!!

you guys carry awesome stuff, it's just you don't ship to canada :(

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by the way jason, sorry to thread hijack and this probably should be a p.m., but i have two questions about your site right now, 1) i noticed those pro stock pants you guy have now and i have to say they look awesome, but i was wondering what the difference was between the retail version (are they 5000's), and 2) i saw the prostock ccm vector pros, and i saw that say, for instance, on the 10D's there were like 5 different pro's in that size for sale. is there a difference between these? i love the site!

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I think most people are using sticks that are too stiff. If an NHLer is using a 100 flex, there should be a lot more of us beer leaguers using 85s.

Perhaps durability is a factor though, but I wouldn't know as I use an 85 flex shaft and go through a couple each year. Never played with a 100 as I know that would be too stiff for my 165 pound frame.

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It's been said that a ligher flex actually increases durability because you aren't hacking at the ice at much due to a smoother shooting motion. Get the proper flex for your size but when in question choose the lighter flex.

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Jason, thought I'd take this opportunity to say you guys are awesome over there at East West Hockey.  I always try to support my LHS, but if I go online for whatever reason I go to you guys first.  EPuck is my second online vendor for availablity.  The one thing both of you do that the others don't is treat customers like they deserve to be treated.  You earn their money.  Don't ever change over there.

Thanks Muck... I truly appreciate your feedback and support!!

you guys carry awesome stuff, it's just you don't ship to canada :(

He will ship to Canada, but you'll have to be prepared to pay the duty fees. I'm loving the Eagles I bought from him a few weeks ago.

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