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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cobra holders

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I am getting my blades changed when I saw the inside of the Cobra holders and they are not solid like I thought. They are thicker than most holders I have seen but not solid??

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Guest Muck

I don't think I've ever seen a solid holder, but then again I haven't been around the game all that long. I've seen Tuuks, Mission Pitch 3s, and Cobras. None solid.

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A solid holder wouldn't flex, would it?

no but id probably be good for response in cornering but be crappy for guys who use a really deep hollow from all the torque

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A solid holder wouldn't flex, would it?

no but id probably be good for response in cornering but be crappy for guys who use a really deep hollow from all the torque

Actually, you have that backwards. A flexing blade/holder would give you a tighter turning radius. A stiff one would give you more return on your push offs.

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