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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synergy st

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the st was a great stick while it lasted.mine and some of my teamates all have broken at the shaft. i think easton spent to much time on the 3 I-beam blade. you think it would be worth it to buy another?

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I know that the ST used to be silver with the red Easton circle and the new one is the one colour (I believe green). Is the silver one the '05 models and does it have the 3 I-beam blade? Or did that just come in when they changed the colour?

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I know that the ST used to be silver with the red Easton circle and the new one is the one colour (I believe green). Is the silver one the '05 models and does it have the 3 I-beam blade? Or did that just come in when they changed the colour?

The '05 St grip is the green one. The ST's for '06 are blue for the non-grip and orange for the grip.

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the 05' ST was silver, the 05' GRIP ST was green, the 06' Grip ST is a brownish orangish color

I love my ST, its lasted alot longer than previous SL's. The shaft is a little thicker than the SL but its hardly noticable. I'd buy another one, It'll last the longest IMO

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Does the 05 ST non-grip have the 3 I-beam? I think Sundin is using this now. I heard the announcers say something about Sundin now having 3 beams in his blade how which is why he was shooting better

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Thanks. I just realized that I didn't mention this is, I just got an 05 ST and that was why I was wondering. Got a Gaborik curve. My word, it took me a while to get used to that curve.

Also, I believe I said, "I think Sundin is using this now". Unfortunately, the only thing Mats is using right now is made by Taylormade or Titlelist. :angry:

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I was wondering has anything changed between the 05 and 06 ST's besides the color. I'm thinking of geting one and want to know if there is any difference. I had the 04 model and really liked it.

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The dude who sold me mine said that they made them even tougher (Maybe they should now call them the SST? :) ), but he said unless I am playing a REALLY high level, it shouldn't matter. I'm not.

Yeah, it took me a while, but I can still pass and shoot. For a while there, everything I shot was going over the net, but I learned to control that and in close, I get it up quicker now. I can still get my backhand away pretty good as well.

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I know that the ST used to be silver with the red Easton circle and the new one is the one colour (I believe green).  Is the silver one the '05 models and does it have the 3 I-beam blade?  Or did that just come in when they changed the colour?

The '05 St grip is the green one. The ST's for '06 are blue for the non-grip and orange for the grip.

___________ nvm

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