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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Martin St. Louis Stick?

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It's defiantly an experiment that I would do. It helped me out a lot. I got a few sticks from a Devils pro stock sale 4? years ago and Zajac, Clarkson, and Brookbank all did the same thing. It's also nice because if you switch sticks as much as they do (and I do), you could keep the basic grip that you want and just move it to the next stick. I have also found that if you're a stickler about weight, you could screw little holes through the wood plug, almost like a pilot hole. I can't imagine it makes much of a difference but I know people that do that.

Maybe I'll try more different sticks, but they'll have to be cheaper than my ST. I don't want to be rotating through a lot of expensive sticks at my level. As to weight, I don't think I care.

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You will notice any weight you add toward the top much less than if it were added around the blade of the stick. For years I cut my sticks down, and added a 6" extension. I then shave the extension up to how I like it. I find that its easier to stick handle, the blade of the stick feels so much lighter from moving the balance.


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You will notice any weight you add toward the top much less than if it were added around the blade of the stick. For years I cut my sticks down, and added a 6" extension. I then shave the extension up to how I like it. I find that its easier to stick handle, the blade of the stick feels so much lighter from moving the balance.


I'm so used to wood sticks, my ST feels like no weight at all, anyway.

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Was Marty ever using TPS sticks during his career?

Last week they only had an Affy, a Dingman, a few Modin's, like 4 Pratt's and a Prospal.

I've seen Boyle's stick but I don't recall what it was or what the curve looked like. I really like Affy's curve... not sure what to compare it to, but I imagine it's excellent for puckhandling.

Here's a nice pic of Boyle's stick.

You may be the only one that could answer my question. Thanks

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