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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Modano Using Warrior

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I noticed that Modano was using Warrior last night ? Is he not under strict contract with RBK ?

Strange that it was not even painted ?

Do the rules of sponsors change for the playoffs ?

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I would think so , but being that he is one of the poster players for RBK , you would think it would be forbidden ?

I guess really it comes down to doing what he wants ?

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I noticed that Modano was using Warrior last night ? Is he not under strict contract with RBK ?

Strange that it was not even painted ?

Do the rules of sponsors change for the playoffs ?

He's been using it all season, as have many others with company contracts (Pronger, Peca).

Contracts aren't worth the paper they are written on. If a player feels that there is something better out there, he will make the switch. Sundin did it with TPS, St. Louis with NikeBauer. I'm sure there are more.

Many players won't sign a contract simply for that reason. The money is not enough for them to be tied down.

Why is it that some of the players spray paint the shaft than ? Do they just do it to honor the contract ?

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Why is it that some of the players spray paint the shaft than ? Do they just do it to honor the contract ?

Sure...they think they're honoring it. If they were truly honoring their contract, they would tow the company product...right?

BTW, Modano's stick isn't blacked out. It has the Dolomite graphics on it, just doesn't say Warrior.

Oh , I only saw the top of the stick where the W was.

Warrior has really come on huge since changing from Inno

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actually word is that Modano is on an incentive based contract from RBK which is based on viral marketing

every time Mo gets a strange but old but odd pair of gloves to keep the deal, puts on his old Tacks, switches a stick, it generates tons of press and hits for Adidas/RBK/THC and provides extensive ROI on their brand names, you just got him a nice dinner at Perry's ...

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Maybe sticks aren't included in his contract? As said by bullet, if he has a contract of any significant worth I'm sure he's sticking to the terms. Crosby has a huge contract with RBK but is still on a contract with sher-wood for sticks, maybe Modano is under similar terms?

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His contract must be different that most guys. I know his Easton one was different...he hadn't worn any of their top end stuff for at least 6 years.

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I think RBK just feels sorry that he pissed away all those millions and then lost a ton of $ with the lockout...since he showed so much "good faith" on the gloves and well they are probably going to be out of the playoffs in a few days anyway..give him time to get all that gear repainted :D

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yeah..let me know when its going to happen though, most of my hookups have moved on to other gigs...

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heard a guy from SmartHockey talking at the B&R Sports at Fraser, MI and he said Modano broke his RBK after 3 minutes and refuses to go back

That is not why he isn't using RBK sticks. I know why.

And why did you go into that shitty store anyway? And why was SmartHockey in there? They don't even stock them.

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