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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My new Daoust 301s :)

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I finally found a pair that fit me! Fairly brand new skates. Hardly been worn. I had a pair of these back in junior high and I loved em.




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I believe they fit a little wider than my old Grafs. I also have a pair of Graf 301 in a wide size coming my way as well. I tried them on and they were a perfect fit as well, but for $70 why not get a pair of nifty Daoust 301s too?? I just remember Daoust being a tad bit wider than my old Bauer 100s

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They do look similar. Same last style and traditional look, but excellent craftsmanship. Did Mr Graf get the idea from Daoust to build his skate?

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great skate! where did you find them, e-bay?

yep on eBay. Did a seach on a whim and found a pair in my size and for the $$ why not??

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My uncle still has his and he refuses to get rid of them. Although he wears his other skates, he still keeps the leather insoles from them and wears them from time to time.

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man those skates are so nice!! you´re a lucky guy! i loved those skates, they were so comfortable, the felt tongue was awesome and they were really good performing back in that days! :unsure:

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Hmm I wonder how T-blades would look on these :) I dont think anyone else would anything remotely similar.


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Those skates are amazing. I have 4 pairs of unused in my basement. My father bought them when the company closed, one of his good buddies worked for them. I don't put them on when I play for my junior team, but when I go to the outdoor rink during the winter, or when I play in my friend's beer league, I sometimes will put them on.

With those skates, you can skate all day long and never feel any pain on your feet. They'er just so comfy!

I think Yannick Perreault from the Predators still plays with tem.

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look what came in the mail today!


in my size for about 70 cad :) . and yeah they do feel like slippers....sweet.....

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:o man those are absolutely amazing skates! where did you get them? i had exactly the same long long time ago, with thos old original black tuuks, awesome!!!!

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3 views?! man, i should check ebay.com or .ca more often... only problem is that they don´t offer shiping to europe that much :angry:

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yeah that sucks, but just send the seller an email to see if he would be willing too. lol this was at around 4ish in the am when i spotted them..lol

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