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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Somethings ringing in my house...

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We have that king of trouble at my grandma's house right now and it's because of something in the plumbing pipes. We have to drill and there may be a faulty pipe in the outside plumbing system.

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the noise has been back for a few days now...but get this - there was a power outage today, and nothing was working...and the noise was still there!


it is your battery powered smoke detector... change the battery with a battery with the life expentancty up to the year 2k10 and it will subside.

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yeah thats what i said cause the same thing happened to me and it was the smoke detector

when we werent sure what it was we turned off the power in the house and it turned out to be the smoke detector

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no smoke detectors in the side of the room the noise is coming from.

it's not a beeping sound...it's a constant ringing, very high pitched, similar to when your ears ring (tinnitus) but it's definitely electronic.

i should make this a contest...like whoever figures it out for me wins hockey gear or something, lol.

plumbing may be a possibility...there's a bathroom above where the noise comes from with a kind of suspect/leaky tub...

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no smoke detectors in the side of the room the noise is coming from.

it's not a beeping sound...it's a constant ringing, very high pitched, similar to when your ears ring (tinnitus) but it's definitely electronic.

i should make this a contest...like whoever figures it out for me wins hockey gear or something, lol.

plumbing may be a possibility...there's a bathroom above where the noise comes from with a kind of suspect/leaky tub...

Try turning off the water main in your house, and see if the sound goes away...

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