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Mission sticks...in Calgary

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Okay, so here's the deal

I used my superb charm and got to try out some OPS sticks a couple of days ago and I really like the Mission L1 and L2. But I don't know where to get them in Calgary.

Anyone know?

I've been to Professional hockey and a couple of other ones...and one I can't remember the name of, quoted me $900 for a pair of vector pros...

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What place let you try them out? Doesn't that place sell them? Or if it was a rep that let you try it out, doesn't he know who his/her accounts are in the city?

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I used to work for a WHL team and my boyfriend is in the minors. I did some HARDCORE sucking up when I was there and I got to try out some sticks.

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I used to work for a WHL team and my boyfriend is in the minors. I did some HARDCORE sucking up when I was there and I got to try out some sticks.

I thought he was playing juniors after leaving his NCAA team.

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He did last year.

He's 21, too old for the dub.

He played 2 years of dub after leaving his NCAA team. He is now playing in the minors with the team that drafted him when he was playing NCAA.

/ End confusion


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Mission dealers in Calgary:

B & P Cycle And Sports

1717 52 St Se

Calgary, Alberta T2A 1V1

ph: 403-272-7141

CMS - Calgary

817-10 Avenue SW

Calgary, Alberta T2R OB4

ph: 403-264-2444

Play It Again Sports

Shawnessy Towne Centre

Calgary, Alberta T2Y 3W6

ph: 403-254-8561

Play It Again Sports - Calgary

560 303 Shawville Blvd. S-W

Calgary, Alberta T2Y 3W6

Professional Skate Service

3519 18th St. SW

Calgary, Alberta T2T 4T9

ph: 403-243-3663

Professional Skate Service

15425 Bannister Rd. SE, #12

Calgary, Alberta T2X 3E9

ph: 403-254-9653

Professional Skate Service

724 16th Ave. NW

Calgary, Alberta T2M 0J8

ph: 403-284-0006

Sport Chek - Avenida Place Shopping Centre

Unit #42812445 Lake Fraser Dr. S.E.

Calgary, Alberta T2J 7A4

ph: 403-278-9990

Sport Chek - Chinook Centre

Unit L0066455 Macleod Trail S.W.

Calgary, Alberta T2H 0K9

ph: 403-255-2161

Sport Chek - Deerfoot Mall

Unit F2901 - 64th Avenue N.E.

Calgary, Alberta T2E 7P4

ph: 403-274-6040

Sport Chek - Market Mall

Unit #100W3625 Shaganappi Trail N.W.

Calgary, Alberta T3A 0E2

ph: 403-286-3375

Sport Chek - Richmond

3737 - 37 Street S.W.

Calgary, Alberta T3E 6L6

ph: 403-249-4303

Sport Chek - Southcentre Mall

Unit #76100 Anderson Rd. S.E.

Calgary, Alberta T2J 3V1

ph: 403-225-1411

Sport Chek - Southpark Village

Unit #1303803 Calgary Trail S.

Calgary, Alberta T6J 5M8

ph: 780-435-8488

Sport Chek - Sunridge Mall

Unit #250A2525 - 36th Street N.E.

Calgary, Alberta T1Y 5T4

ph: 403-285-1590

Sport Mart - Crowfoot Centre

48 Crowfoot Terrace N.W.

Calgary, Alberta T3G 4J8

ph: 403-289-3720

Sport Mart - Dalhousie Station

Unit #1675005 Dalhousie Drive NW

Calgary, Alberta T3A 5R8

ph: 403-247-7252

Sport Mart - Macleod Trail

9950 Macleod Trail South

Calgary, Alberta T2J 3K9

ph: 403-225-0175

Sport Mart - Marlborough Mall

Unit #243800 Memorial Drive N.E.

Calgary, Alberta T2A 2K2

ph: 403-569-6918

Sport Mart - Signal Hill Centre

Block H Unit #65967 Signal Hill Centre

Calgary, Alberta T3H 3P8

ph: 403-242-9600

Sport Mart - Toronto Dominion Square

Unit #160317 - 7th Avenue S.W.

Calgary, Alberta T2P 2Y9

ph: 403-237-7880

Sport Swap

6999 11th St. SE

Calgary, Alberta T2R 0E3

ph: 413-253-5184

Sport Swap

701 11th St. SW

Calgary, Alberta T2H 2S1

ph: 403-261-8026

Sport Swap

3320 20th Ave. NE

Calgary, Alberta T1Y 6E8

ph: 403-280-4877

Sport-Rad Crowfoot Inc

39 Crowfoot Terrace Nw

Calgary, Alberta T3G 4J8

Sports Traders

Calgary, Alberta T3G 4J8

ph: 403-547-7747

The Women's Sports Store

Calgary, Alberta T2N 3R8

ph: 403-270-4250

Tuxedo Cycle & Sports

Calgary, Alberta T2E 2V2

ph: 403-277-2872

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Wow, you rule, though I've been to the professional skate as well as the sportsswaps, sportcheks and sportsmarts.

None of them had any missions.

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Wow, you rule, though I've been to the professional skate as well as the sportsswaps, sportcheks and sportsmarts.

None of them had any missions.

Go to B & P Cycle. They have the best stick selection in town.

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Okay, so here's the deal

I used my superb charm and got to try out some OPS sticks a couple of days ago and I really like the Mission L1 and L2. But I don't know where to get them in Calgary.

Anyone know?

I've been to Professional hockey and a couple of other ones...and one I can't remember the name of, quoted me $900 for a pair of vector pros...

Sorry, this might seem dumb but whats the L1? Is it some new OPS or something?

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