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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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YP and sakic pro

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i had an yzerman blade and it didnt look exactly drury to me

Im sure he has different variations of his curve. The drury was modeled after the YP and im sure other people will tell you the same thing.

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ok, im just saying ive used yp and "yzerman pro stock" and it wasnt drury to me, it was more of a square toe, more mid than drury sakic-lidstrom-ish

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i have seen the pics on MSH but i cant find them in the search..more looking for Roenicks styles 97 pattern,Alfi's pro and Yzermans "druryish curve"

ps what would the lie be on the styles curve

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i have seen the pics on MSH but i cant find them in the search..more looking for Roenicks styles 97 pattern,Alfi's pro and Yzermans "druryish curve"

ps what would the lie be on the styles curve

5-ish on the Styles SL that I had

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Sakic pro and retail are not even close. I have a Pro Sakic Synergy.

Joe's pattern is a very thin blade with a mild mid more of a toe curve.

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Sakic pro and retail are not even close. I have a Pro Sakic Synergy.

Joe's pattern is a very thin blade with a mild mid more of a toe curve.

I remember seeing a Sakic pro blade and it was a very slight curve. I remember it being a mid curve, but a VERY straight looking blade with a slight wedge in it as well. The wedge starts more towards the mid-toe part though. I would actually love to play with one of these to try it. Does anybody know where I might be able to pick up a LH version?

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