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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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brass rivets

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I had to take my skates in and get the holders straightened a month ago. The shop put 4 brass rivets in the heel to hold it in place. One of them is a little loose now. Is there a way to tighten it up with basic tools at home?


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Not really at home. You have to have a way to hold the ring tight, and compress the rivit shaft at the same time, only a rivit machine can do this, although you may figure a way. The shop that did it should redo it for no charge.

BTW, why 4 in the heel? Not a good idea. You need two steel ones with the claws to prevent the holder from moving arounf like they do with all copper. I absolutely hat it when someone comes in with a skate that some idiot put copper in every hole.

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The blades were very bent when I bought them, but they were the last pair. I waited for almost a month for the replacement holders, and then they got mounted wrong so I just went someplace else...

At least this place got them straight now...so I dont want to mess with them anymore. I am tired of having to figure out which person at the shop knows what they are doing, getting that persons schedule memorized so I know when I can take my skates in so the dont get

F!@#ed up...

btw - I just tapped it back into place. It should hold until I have to take it in.

Thanks for the responses, sorry for venting.

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