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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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toes against the toe cap?

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It depends on what fit you like. Mine are barely brushing the ends and that's what I prefer. Some guys like about a finger's width. The main thing is that your foot isn't sliding around while you skate.

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when I tried on size 7 8090's my toes were kind of scrunched a lil bit aganst the cap, how much space do you need?

Don't think they should be scrunched... I think the term tossed around is "feathering" the toe cap i.e. barely touching ...while in a seated position cause when you are up and skating your heal should go back and therefore give you clearance.

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I think the placement of the ball of your foot at the ball of the skate, the heel fit, and the arch fit is more important, because everybody has different toe - to - foot length ratios.

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Ideally your toe should just feather the toe cap of your skate. If their pushed up tight against the toe cap it will be uncomfortable. You could also injure your big toe if you take a hard shot off the end of your skate with the puck.

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